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You say it's only temporary,
But how my heart yearns for you.
This break is what'll keep us us, you say.
But I sit alone here waiting for the day.
Things will be better once you take some time to yourself.
But all of me, is half of us,
and separate I feel thus:
As your words hit me,
and leave my mind falling off its shelf.
Utter disarray. Total chaos,
Disheveled and a mess. How can I do this.
Ok I'll say,
Though "ok" is in a far off place.
Worries abound.
Bounding past every boundary;
I can't run from them,
They're faster than I am!
It's moot.
They know how to swim.
I'll hide.
But they smell the fear within.
Everyone one of them
Seeking my soul
Seeking to devour me whole
Seeking to throw
This balance down the hole.
Their machinations:
Make me a machine.
My bladder will explode
My heart's going to go
I won't make it till that day
I'll scream out your name
My rue will be
Nay. None. Zilch. Nada.
Because your saving grace has saved me  till this day.
And when I think of how saddened you'd be, by an empty me,
I can garner the strength.
Though they're fast...
Though they're frightening..
Though they're inescapable beings.
But they're weak,
So they gather and chase and feed on my fear.
But in faith, I've courage and strength to say,
My love will guide me till the day.
That ray,
Has shown me the way.
To you my dear.
And our future near.

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