Fangirl VS Fanboy

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Fangirl: I met the DC boy on the first day he moved in. Two houses, his backyard to my backyard and I saw him putting up posters. I immediately hated him. 

I call him the DC boy, because in all fairness, I didn't know his real name for weeks after he moved in. I just stared into his window like a creepy stalker and glared at the Batman posters.

Maybe I should explain a little about me. I am one of those girls who is just waiting on Captain America to swoop in and save me. I would say Superman, but I am a Marvel die hard and would never ever under any circumstance say Superman. So yes, I am a Captain AMerica girl, and dont you ever say "Captain Merica," cause I will find you, and I will kill you, doesn't matter where you live. You WILL DIE. And I don't just stop at Captain America. Iron Man slash Tony Stark is pretty dang cool too. And Hawk Eye, and Black Widow, and can I please  say Thor is SMOKIN'! So yeah, I'm a Marvel girl. I run the Marvel reddit page, so trust me, I know everything. I maybe the only girl to frequent the local comic book store. The Strip, is what the name is. NO, horny guys did not name it, well maybe. We all know how geeks are. 

Anywho, back to the DC boy. He was putting up all his STUPID posters. I spied for probably an hour, loathing every moment. He put his his Superman bedspread over his mattress. Suddenly, I think he saw me. l ducked, hitting my head on my desk as I did. I peeked over to see him looking back. I glared at him. he did a sheepish wave, but being me I didn't wave back. How could I wave back to a boy who loves Wonder Woman?! She's not even heroic, she's just hot. Yes, Black Widow is hot but we don't just have her. Wasp and Captain Marvel are all very heroic. 

He just shook his head and went back to work. That was the first day. 

Fanboy: New house. New school. New town. And so far, no comic book store. There was a sign reading The Strip I saw on our way in that had a comic book theme. But I figured it wasn't that. 

I was in my new room, sighing to myself. I hate moving. I swear I've done it a million times. Just a new place. I opened a box, breathing a sigh of relief this time. All of my DC posters were safe and unripped. 

I slowly started to pull them from the box, taking my stapler and stapling them to the walls of my new room. I felt weird, like there were eyes on me. I turn to look out the window, and saw a girl staring. I saw her sink to the ground, l then saw her desk bounce. She must've hit her head. Smooth. I then look up above the desk and see one of her posters. It's Marvel all the way. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Seriously, those guys are rip-offs of DC from the beginning. If Stan Lee was smart, he would've stayed with us, but then again we wouldn't want those crappy heroes. I saw her head peek up again, so I gave a sheepish wave, trying to not express my feelings. Maybe she was nice, probably not to be friends with. I was wrong, she was full scale Marvel. She just glared at me. She slammed her curtains shut, which I found out has the Captain America logo on them. Not so subtle message. 

This means war.


First Chapter DONE!!!

We seriously hope you guys like this. We want to thank all of you who read our stories, so, to do so, we are going to have a keyword every chapter to give you a dedication. The keyword this week: the strip. Yeah yeah, you can go on and on about how that is two words but here it goes. And the funnier you make it, the better. Don't forget to vote guys! Thanks for reading! 

Love Yah!


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