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The roaring of the crowd echoed in her head. Her heart was racing, sweat dripping from her face and her breathing was heavy. How long had it been now? How long had it been since she and her crew had left Earth? How long had it been since they had been taken?

"I don't know how much more of this I can take."

Alannah Hamilton leaned up against a pillar that held up the audience. As she rests for a bit, Alannah felt a pain go up her arm. She tried moving it but was only able to move her fingers slightly.

"My elbow is shattered. I can't use my arm now."


Alannah's opponent yelled, smashing an ax hammer on the ground several times. This was Alannah's twelfth opponent this week. One by one she was forced to face opponents, and one by one they fell to her. But this opponent maybe the one to defeat her.

"I SAID... COME OUT!!!" This time Alannah's opponent's voice echoed like roaring thunder. If she waited any longer, Alannah knew this "monster" would go on a rampage to find her.

Ripping a piece of her prisoner clothing, Alannah made a sling for her arm and carefully placed it inside before grabbed the long chain she was using as a weapon. Unlike every other opponent who used blasters, daggers and swords, she used a simple chain. It's because of her weapon that people didn't take her seriously, but once they got into the Gladiator Ring with her, they saw what she could really do with it.

"I have no choice."

Alannah stepped out from behind the pillar, wrapping the chain around her hand to make it the length she preferred. The sound of it dragging along the ground could only be slightly heard over the now dying crowd's cheers and the smashing of the female alien coming her way.

"You finally decided to show yourself Earth scum."

The alien threw down her ax hammer, inches away from Alannah. She looked up at the massive creature in front of her, pity laced in her eyes. The one standing in front of her was as much a victim as she was.

"I'm sorry..." Alannah's voice was soft like a mouse. Almost too soft to be heard.

"You're sorry...? For what?"

"I'm sorry... for this."

Alannah swung back her hand that held the chain, whipping it through the air to let the other end smack the female alien on top of the head. It caught the opponent off guard, giving Alannah the chance to take her out. As the alien stumbled around in a daze Alannah got behind her and jumped on the alien's back, wrapping the chain around its neck before landing. With a good twist and a pull, the chain started to tighten around the alien gladiator's neck. This is how she's been winning her fights. Putting her oath aside of "do no harm" as a doctor, in order to survive.

"You won't kill me with such tricks." The alien gagged.

"I really don't want to kill you. I'm a doctor not a warrior. But if I'm going to have any chance of returning home... then I must." Using her foot as support, Alannah wrapped the chain one more time around her hand and pulled. Alannah continued to pull until she heard a sharp crack of her opponent's neck being broken. The hand that held the ax hammer fell lifeless to the ground.

Alannah looked down at it and it seemed as though she gained superhuman strength for a second. Raising the ax hammer over her head she dropped it back down on her opponent. Taking the head clean off. Grabbing the head, she threw it into the crowd, sending blood flying everywhere as it landed in the lap of a spectator.

"Are you not entertained!? Is this not why you are here?!" Alannah yelled up to the crowd. They all fell silent and looked at her. The human female who seemed so weak.

Suddenly the door opened and Galra guards came running out. Their blasters pointed at her. She knew she had no chance against them, not in her condition. Slowly she got down on her knees and put her one good arm in the air.

"Both hands!!" One of the guards yelled at her.

"I can't! My elbow's shattered. I can't move my arm!"

"I said both hands!!"

She obviously couldn't do what he asked of her. Alannah stayed as she was, down on her knees with one hand up. The Galra guards walked over to her and pushed her down to the ground. Pain went through her arm one again as she let out a loud scream.

"It hurts! My arm... my arm hurts!!" Alannah screamed at the top of her lungs.

That's when the Galra understood that she wasn't lying. That her elbow seriously was broken. They picked her up and forced her to walk towards the door to take her back to her cell. She defeated all the female prisoners in this horrible place, who was she going to face now? Where were Shiro, Matt and Mr. Holt? Was she ever going to be free, and was she ever going to return to Earth?

"I just want to go home...."

Cosmic ||Voltron: Legendary Defender - Takashi Shirogane||Where stories live. Discover now