Chapter One: The Fourth Member for Kerberos

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Chapter One: The Fourth Member for Kerberos

The infirmary went silent after it had been full of cadets coming to get injuries checked, permission slips signed and medicine for those who weren't feeling well. It had been a long day, but finally the nurse working in the infirmary was down to the last cadet who had come to get an injury looked at. The day had been slow, but there was enough work for her to still do.

"You should be fine now. Just take it easy and ice your foot before you go to bed tonight."

"Thanks Miss Hamilton. Sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"It's fine. It's my job to make sure all students are at their best. Just be more careful." Alannah Hamilton gave the young cadet a smile and then gave him a note. "This will excuse you from your class for a few weeks. I hope you feel better soon."

"Thanks again Miss Hamilton, but may I ask you something?"


"What happened to your arm? There's a giant bruise you have there." The cadet pointed to Alannah's forearm that was sticking out from underneath her doctor jacket.

"It's nothing to worry about. I ran into a door." Alannah put on a smile to reassure the young cadet.

"Alright. Maybe you're the one who needs to be more careful." The cadet laughed before leaving the infirmary.

Alannah continued to wear her smile until the cadet left. When the room was silent and empty, except for herself, she tugged at her coat sleeve to hide the bruise. She hoped that no one would've noticed so questions wouldn't be asked. Alannah gave the oldest excuse in the book for a bruise. When in reality, it wasn't a door she ran into. Unless a door looked a lot like a fist. Alannah's longtime boyfriend, Shane Wittmore, had hit her the night before for being late getting home. She tried to explain, but there's no reasoning with him when he's angry. Most would ask 'why wouldn't she leave him', and the truth is, she really wants to, she's just too scared to.

"Hopefully no one else noticed it. If word gets back to Shane, he'll get mad and blame me for it." Alannah was cleaning up the infirmary as she though this out loud. Just as she was about done the intercom suddenly buzzed.


"What on earth? Why would they be calling me?"

Alannah placed her things down on her desk, opened the infirmary door and made her way down to the main office. Cadets were making their way back to the dorms or making their way out for a night of fun. Nights Alannah wished she could have if Shane would only let her.

"It must be nice to be a kid these days."

Alannah couldn't help but smile. Seeing the smiling faces of today's youth made her think that she was doing something to help them along. Alannah finally made it to the head office and as she stood in front of that door she let out a deep breath before her knuckles lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A loud male voice sounded.

Alannah opened the door to see three men and Commander Iverson sitting at his desk. She didn't know what was going on or what they would want with a simple nurse like her.

"You wanted to see me Sir? Is someone hurt?"

"No, it's nothing like that Alannah. Please, take a seat." Commander Iverson gestured to one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk. The others took a seat as well.

"Miss Hamilton, as you might know the Garrison is sending a crew to the Pluto moon of Kerberos. These three here are the pilots, Samuel Holt, his son Matthew Holt and then we have Takashi Shirogane, Commander Iverson introduced the three men to Alannah. All three smiled at Alannah, and Takashi held out his hand to give her a hand-shack and Matt waved since he was furthest away from Alannah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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