《warm welcome》

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Before this story begins, i must point out that this book shall be in peridots pov unless stated otherwise.



I notice something off about amethyst today, she isnt her usual self, today she is quiet and pale just sitting there and watching our discussion. You may wonder who Amethyst is, yes?. Well shes a dear old friend off mine from way back when. She is an original 'crystal gem' who are the crystal gems? We'll get to that later.

For now i am listening to a conversation between the gems, waiting for my name to be announced over that loud speaker, no i'll not be getting in trouble. I'll simply be showing a new student around. Lapis lazuli, ironic how shes also named after a gemstone. A lot of students are.

I've been instructed to give this girl a tour because shes a smart girl, surely she wont be as smart as me though. Ive heard that she was a top student at homeworld high. I have no clue why she'd leave a school like that, its one of the best schools in the northern hemisphere. Students there are very elite, they produce some of the best students. But the students are not all that welcoming. Maybe thats why she moved here to diamond authority high. We have students with slightly less brains than homeworld but much better mannors.

'Peridot Diamond please report to the principals office immediately.' was heard over the speakers. Thats my cue. I simply got up and walked away from my gems, leaving them confused. I did not tell them about lapis lazuli, for it is none of their business.

I enter the air conditioned room and see a young lady with ocean blue hair sitting on the leather couch. Must be her. I make my way to her. "I take you are Lapis Lazuli?" I asked catching the female off guard. "Oh- uh yes." She sounds more confused than certain, maybe because i startled her. "Im Peridot Diamond, the principal has requested that I show you around." I hold out my hand giving the appearance i want to shake hers. She shakes my hand as signled. "Ive been told" she nodded and stands up.

"This way please." I hold a door open for her to walk outside. After she walks out i follow and am greated with a dry heat. "I'm guessing you are in the Yellow court?" I tried to start a conversation so we wont be in an awkward silence. "Yes, what about you?" She questions. "I am currently in the yellow court." I respond. "Currently?" She ponders, "Correct, students often get moved around depending on how ones grade are doing and what classes they are part taking." I shrug.

"How many courts are there?" She ponders again. "Four, Yellow, Blue, Pink and White. We have the luxury of being in the highest court." I grin for i know how amazing this courts supervisor is.

After a detailed chat about the courts and how they work, we arrive at our first destination. The palanquins. This is probably the most amazing part of this school. A large diamond made from four smaller diamonds, each being a different color. The colors of the courts. In front of each smaller, although still rather big diamond stands a quirky cage like room with four legs raising it off of the ground a, black staircase leads up to the room. These palanquins are where the court meetings are held. "Wow, what are these things?" Asks a curious lapis. "These are the palanquins. Where the monthly court meetings are held" i answer.



Sorry for such a short first chapter, id love to write more but my fingers are getting sore and its 2am.


Cracked Voice:  lapidotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora