《the gems》

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I smile "meet the crystal gems"

"Uh.. hi" lapis says shyly, i get she isn't the best at introductions. I should remember that. "This Lapis" I say for her, because clearly she doesn't know what to say. Each of gems greet her in their own ways, amethyst's "yo dude", to pearl's "hello" and finally garnets simple wave. Just by a greeting you can already tell what kind person you're talking to, amethyst is clearly a chilled out girl who doesnt give two fucks, pearl's a classy girl with excellent manners, and garnet's mysterious with a warm heart. I didnt need to spend time with them to know that, i could tell their personalities by their choice of words and body language. And, honestly Lapis seems like she is shy on the surface, but crazy down under.

I feel a touch on my shoulder making me jump from my thoughts, "thank you, peridot" lapis smiles. I nod "you're welcome".

"So lapis, what school did you previously attend?" Pearl questions in a silky voice.
"Well, i went to homeworld h-" "YOU WHEN TO HOMEWORLD" amethyst cuts lapis off, how rude.

(I'll be writing the rest in past tense, its easier)

Lapis huffed obviously annoyed from being cut off. "Why did you transfer from such a good school?" Garnet finally added intl the conversation, "i came here because of the students, they're aren't the nicest people" lapis shivered noticeably, i feel as if something happened at homeworld. I should investigate.

"True" garnet agreed. The gems and I know a student, jasper, from homeworld who is a terrible person, she had a very unhealthy relationship with a student from there, and jasper was the disease. I've only really heard that jasper was abusive to her girlfriend.

Suddenly the bell rang, "We should get to home group" i statedm everyone just nodded and grabbed their stuff.

After arriving to our room the gems, I and lapis sat at the back, we've always sat here. People say it's where the naughty kids sit, but, in our case it's where the smart kids sit. A girl sat in the row in front of us, she light pink hair, just like amethyst and it really brought out her bright blue eyes. She spun her chair around "hey... guys" she spoke in between yawns, poor girl doesn't look like she got any sleep. "Hello Amelia" smiled pearl, garnet stroked Amelias hair slowly, "did you sleep?" She questioned. Amelia simply shook her head "ive was studying for an upcoming test"

Garnet cupped her cheeks, "you really should sleep more". The pink haired girl blushed. She's madly in love with garnet, it's really obvious. Unfortunately for her garnet's asexual, and the girl doesnt even know it. I dont know what she'll when she finds out.

A tall curvy woman with bright pink hair walked into the room, Rose. "Good morning class i hope you all had a good weekend" she smiled.

With the boring morning notices done, the class cleared out and everyone went their separate ways to class, garnet, amethyst and pearl headed to the neighboring room for Mathematics, as for me i have gym (which i hate with a burning passion) with lapis. I know the girls entire time table, she has most classes with me.

I showed lapis the way to the gymnasium, hopefully she'll remember it. We headed straight for the changing rooms.

I hate gym.


This was a super lazy chapter, sorry


(And yes, i put myself in the book with a mad crush on garnet. Because i mean who doesn't have a crush on her.. am i right?? And no im not crazy..)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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