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harry had always thought that he was a mr know it all but in fact he isn't. he was often told by his friends or family members; no harry, don't harry, stop harry - all the time and he was fed up. they'd always think that he couldn't do anything by himself but, ironically, they were right. once, someone thought it would be a great idea to let harry conduct a science experiment all by himself - oh boy what he - liam actually didn't know that he would have spilled the whole tube or jar of iodine all over the lab's floor.

liam didn't know harry could do such a horrendous thing because he was new. he didn't know all the clumsy accidents that had happened was actually because of harry. well liam sure did learned his lesson.


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"mum please stop telling me what not to do I'd be absolutely fi-"

"harry, every single time you say those words, something bad will happen!" anne scolded.

"but I promise to be good this time, no touching" harry crossed his fingers to indicate that he was serious - eh he was lying.

"I hope you'll be keeping your promise this time"

harry nodded with so much

incitement and started running out of the house in such a hurry. what his mother didn't notice is that instead of his usual school bag he always had carried, he was now going out with a huge dufferbag.

harry had been planning this for over two weeks. he had downloaded a compass  application that would help him find his way and he had also packed tons of food and drinks, just in case.

so now he was basically walking down his street to the nearest forest - and the only forest. he felt absolutely jolly as he was going to be independent for the next two days and would capture every moment with the camera that he had brought along with him. he'll be showing the pictures that he was going to taking to all of his friends, his mother and sister and prove to them that he wasn't just a stupid-blur harry after all.

right when he was about two feets away from the entry of the forest, he felt thrilled. he ran all the way into the entry and stopped to get his phone out to use his compass application. once after opening the application, harry then followed the arrow to north where he knew that there was one tree house located nearby (his father - before he and his mum got divorced, used to bring him there).

after a few minutes of walking, harry felt something was amiss and it was like he had been walking a different path from his last memory. he remembered after walking for 5 minutes he will be able to see a river but it has been a mere 15minutes and all that's surrounding him were inky, tall trees. he felt as if he was in a deeper part of the forest. groaning to himself, harry went to check the application's instructions again and he tried to press all of the given options. harry nearly dropped his phone when he saw

'this is a fun way to prank your friends thinking it's north when actually the needle points to nowhere!'

"well fuck my life" harry hissed.

all of sudden he felt a wave of panic. his mind reminded him that instead of fooling his friends like the application was meant to be installed for, he had ended up fooling himself. he then quickly went to the application store to search for a real application this time. as he walks slowly while finding the application, his network suddenly got disconnected and there were no signals around. harry rushed to his previous spot in hope of getting the connection back but to no avail. and it seems that his connection had worsen as he walked back to the places he had stood or past by before. harry growled to himself which sounded like a purr and started to panic. he started to run around the forest, looking for the signal back but there was nothing so his last hope was to shout for help. he stopped running and slung his bag forward to stash his phone back where it came from and continued to run, but this time with pleads and cries for help.

he ran and ran until his legs were sore and his nose was fuming. his breathing got faster and his heart was beating rapidly.

after running and shouting for almost 20 minutes, harry finally lost all hope and went to the nearest tree to rest. his eyes felt heavy as he began to fall asleep before hearing an angelic voice asking him whether he was alright.

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