Teachers and Students

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AN: Well, I said that I'd be transferring most of my stories over here, and I guess I have to do that.

This was my second work for Ratchet and Clank, and I will say that I don't think highly of this work. It feels weird to me, but I'll put it here so you can read it if you want to. I haven't played the game, so I had to use what I saw in the movie as a starting point for these characters.


Cora was close, there was no way she would give up now. Her muscles ached and burned at the same time. Her breath came out in ragged pants. Brax cheered her on from where he stood. "Come on Cora, you got this!"

Cora lifted the weight off her chest, knowing she had finally reached her goal. She had just lifted one-hundred-and-forty-pounds of weights five hundred times, and her arms felt like cooked noodles. But she had done it and it had only taken a few days to complete her goal.

The two Rangers were warming up in the workout room, where every Ranger started their mornings before moving onto target practice and simulations. State-of-the-art equipment stocked every corner, a little excessive for three (currently) Rangers, but the Solana galaxy didn't want weak heroes.

Brax helped Cora lift the weight back onto its holding stand. Cora got up and headed for the water cooler, smiling as she drank a small cup of water. She took a second and let the wonderful sensation of completion sink in. It was the greatest feeling in the galaxy to go above and beyond anyone's expectations, including her own. Next thing she could do was set the bar at a higher standard, and break that goal when she completed it.

"Come on Cora! Snap out of la-la land! It's your turn to spot me on the weights!" Brax called over, already laying down and eager to get started.

Cora threw her paper cup into the small garbage can near the water stand. Her eyes flicked up to the clock on the opposite wall. 0600 hours. He was already late an hour...

She walked back to Brax and quickly helped him lift the weight off its stand. Cora knew Brax's eagerness would sometimes get the better of him. When he had been a rookie, Brax had snuck into the weight room alone in order to work out that night in order to impress his Senior Ranger Trainer with his "newfound" strength the next morning. He had been working out on the same weight stand he currently sat at now, and had the janitors not found him when they did, Brax would have suffocated. He had dropped the weight just below his neck, and he didn't have the strength to re-lift the weight.

He hadn't stopped being eager, but he did have a nasty habit of letting his excitement make him a bully to anyone in the weight room (or in any room). Cora was probably the only person in the building that would spot for him. She didn't mind though; she and Brax were quite close friends, despite the show (that they were hardcore warriors that had no need for friends) they would put on in public.

Cora watched as Brax settled into the up-down lifting of the weight before speaking. "The rookie's late again. This is the second time this week."

Brax chuckled as he lifted the weight up. "I don't blame him. We were all rookies at one point. Heck, I remember one time I slept through every one of my alarms, and my Senior Ranger Trainer had to come wake me up with an air horn! Boy, he had been mad that day!"

Cora smiled and remembered back to when she was a rookie. She had been late the first day because she had been too excited to sleep the night before. She had been sleeping peacefully... until her Senior Ranger Trainer had dumped a bucket of ice water on her. Talk about your terrible first impressions...

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