Qrow VS Winter

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Raven POV

Raven: its been 3 months since
Y/n came back to me I've never been happy like this hes so brave so amazing so cute w-what am I saying

Summer POV

Summer: I looked over at raven she seemed a bit flustered I asked her what she was thinking about then she started to blush and said it was nothing I was about to question her more but tai came in saying it wheotime for class

Time skip (ports class)

I looked over to see Y/n asleep heo looked so peaceful then I looked at Qrow who was also sleeping but he Had a flask in his hand and was drooling after class we all went to lunch It was going fine but I spilled my tray all over someone

Summer:oh no I'm sorry

Y/n: its fine here have my tray

Summer: Oh Y/n im so sorry are u sure u want me to have it

Y/n: positive

Summer: well OK then

Your POV

I was walking to my table but someone spilled food all over me I was about to flip out until I saw it was summer she looked so pretty worried for some reason

Summer: Oh no I'm sorry

Me: its fine here have my tray

She said sorry and took my tray I went back to my dorm to change and shower I was late to my next period  so I skipped it it was just mary Goodwitches class not like im missing  anything that really matters..

Qrow POV

Miss goodwitch was lecturing Me again for having my flask out I didn't care tho I'm not hurting anything Mrs Goodwitch saw my care free attitude and maid me demonstrate my fighting skills
I went to go get ready get my weapon and my gear when I got back to the class there was someone standing there I didn't recognize her athough I don't really know anyone in here
Mrs.Goodwitch: Qrow you will be battling Miss Shnee Whoever wins gets extra credit

Winter: it's my pleasure to fight with you

Qrow: (Hicups) it sure is

Winter: Rolls eyes does he think he's Better then me

Goodwitch: in 3..2..1..Fight

A/N: Hey guys I know it's been a while sorry about that I hope this makes up for it

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