The fight

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Goodwitch: 3.. 2.. 1..   Fight

Schnee:A drunken slob like you shouldn't be to hard to defeat

Qrow:  don't be so sure about that Ice Queen

Qrows POV

She used her glyphs and charged at me with a number of jabs

Qrow: someone's got quite the temper   
What daddy cut your allowance

She snarled at me and once more tried to cut me I blocked with my sword and began with my own attack I was pushing her back almost out if the arena until she split her sword in  two and commenced with a flurry of attacks she caught me off guard and stabbed the ground freezing it and my feet I quickly changed the form of my weapon and shot the area next to my feet to get free I began shooting at her with fire dust bullets sure they were blocked but they melted all the ice in the arena so I can move about with out slipping and busting my ass

Winter POV

Hes using fire maybe he's not so dimwitted after all he began changing his weapon into what appeared to be a scythe I decided to rush him before he could swing it at me I was eight in front of him ready to attack but before I could he regurgitated all over me


Qrow: I would like to state I don't feel so good

After that he fell on his face and was taken to the infirmary what shocked me was the entire fight he was
shit faced yet still managed to fight that well

A/n what did you think leave some comments I need feedback also please vote

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