Chapter 1

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I sink into my seat late, as usual and shrug my gray backpack off my shoulder. No surprise, Ms. Hanji hasn't arrived yet. I pull out a sketchbook and scribble on a blank page when something stabs my back.

"Ow what the fuck?" I turn to see Jean Kirsten smirking at me.

"Hey idiot you know this is English right? Not Suck at Art Class."

Just as I ball up my fist to punch his stupid horse face, our teacher walks in. Her brown hair sticks out all over the place and her shirt is on backwards. Even from my spot near the middle of the class I can see the dark marks under her eyes and dirty smudges on her glasses.

Ms. Hanji slams her 68oz thermos of coffee on her desk and taps her watch, "Sorry I'm late again my latest project kept me up all night. I mean it I haven't slept in 3 day isn't that cool!?

There were quiet groans around until one of my classmates spoke up, "and by project you mean trying to blow off your eyebrows right?"

Everyone burst into laughter and Ms. Hanji's eyes narrowed, "Connie, you will stay after class."

Connie gulped loudly and our laughs died in our throats. Staying after with her was never good. I stayed once for writing "Shakespeare" on the board with a lowercase s instead of a capital. I had to act out 3 plays by myself And write a 7 page report on Shakespeare. I can only imagine what shit Connie will get into for making fun of Ms. Hanji's herself. It made me shudder with fear. I looked in his direction to see the color drain from his face.

"Now class if you are all done making jokes I have your final reading assignment for you. It's a book by young writer Levi Ackerman. It's called The Wings of Freedom and I want you all to read the first chapter by the day after tomorrow," she hands out books to the entire class along with an assignment paper.

I look over the paper slightly annoyed, we have to read chapter one by Thursday And write a one page report summarizing the chapter. I groan, that's after annotating the chapter... Great writing in books. I hate writing in books. I feel it's disrespectful, but no arguing with our crazy teacher. I look over the book in my hands, it's all green with just the name on the cover in gold letters, "The Wings of Freedom"

When I turn the paperback over my heart stops. There, is the most handsome man I have ever seen. His raven hair is slicked back in the photo and his eyes are a steel gray. The most prominent feature is the scowl set on his face that seems to be permanent. Why is someone so gorgeous so unhappy? My mind goes blank and I completely forget to listen to the professor. For once my eyes drift down to see the information about him.

Levi Ackerman, 22, started writing at the age of 16. The Wings of Freedom is the only book he has yet to publish.

I stare at those 2 sentences in disbelief. How did he become so famous over one book that looks like it's barely 100 pages long?! Flipping the book over, I open to the title page.

The Wings of Freedom
An autobiography
By Levi Ackerman

So it's about him huh?

There's a snicker behind me, "no wonder it's so short he's probably boring as hell."

My fists clench, "Shut up Jean!"

I cover my mouth quickly all eyes are on me. Damn it I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Eren Jaeger, I too believe Jean's comment is out of line but there's no need to shout," she glares over her glasses.

During the last half hour of class Ms. Hanji instructs us to begin reading. For the first time in a while, I quickly open tobthe first page. Stupid Jean it's so short because he's only in his 20's...

Just as I finish reading the chapter, the bell rings signaling the end of the day. Everyone files out of the room except Connie. I silently wish him luck. His friend, Sasha, is sitting by the door since she takes him home. I think about saying something to her, but she pulls a potato out of her lunchbox and starts munching on it. With a shrug I grab my keys out of my pocket and walk out to my truck, a light blue Nissan Titan. I hop into the driver's seat and toss my bag into the back. With a sigh I start up my truck and lean back in my seat.

The passenger door opens and I nearly piss myself, "Hey Eren sorry I'm late, got held up in Trig."

Armin smiles at me as I try to recover from almost having a heart attack. As I pull onto the highway, Armin plugs his phone into my AUX cable and turns on a song that's unfamiliar to me.

"Armin what the fuck is this?" I try my best to focus solely on the road ahead so I don't crash.

"Only the opening for the best anime ever!" he beams.

"Yeah cause that helps. Which one are you talking about this time?" I'm almost yelling over the music.

"Come on Eren seriously?! It's Attack on Titan! Don't tell me you've never seen it." I shake my head as I pull into the parking lot for our apartment.

I turn off the car and grab my bag, not caring about the look of horror on Armin's face. College is too overwhelming I don't have time for anime stuff a few months before graduation. I walk inside and flop down on the couch pulling out a notebook and "The Wings of Freedom." Opening the book to the beginning again, I start writing down notes in the margins that I can use for my report.

Armin closes the door and falls to his knees when he sees me, "Eren nooooo!"

I drop my pen and cover my ears, "Ow Armin what the hell?"

He flails his arms featuring to the book that's now lying on the floor and I thrust the assignment page into his hands.

"Oh you have to read it for class?"

I nod and pick the book back up, "she got permission to use it as our final so this is my final assignment since I chose to take an English class on campus instead of online."

Armin nods and starts walking to his room, "Oh hey Erwin is gluing to come by later, probably gonna crash here. Hope you don't mind!"

The door to his room slams shut before I can reply. Erwin crashing here means no sleep for me... They'll be up fucking all night.. Oh well, I shake my head and start writing my page report on chapter one. The book already has a gloomy start. According to his writings Levi grew up in a bad part of town blah blah something about Sina. He suffered dirty living conditions and bullying. His parents abused drugs and other substances leaving the, at the time 8 year old, to fend for himself however possible.

Halfway through my page there's a knock on the door before Eren just lets himself in. He doesn't even acknowledge my existence as he goes down the hall to Armin's room. I look at my watch, 7:02pm, I'm done for the night.

Armin's door opens, " Hey I was wondering when you'd get here."

I can hear the blush in his voice as the door closes and a click says it's now locked. After putting my notebook away, I grab the book and bag before walking to my room. As I pass Armin's room I can already hear quiet moans. Gross. I shudder and walk into my room picking up my noise canceling headphones I bought just for these occasions. I drop my bag by my desk and lay on my bed with my book and phone. I turn my book over and open google typing in "Levi Ackerman." What I find doesn't exactly surprise me. They are all pictures of him in suits looking stoic and uninterested with his same slicked back hair. The Wiki page about him doesn't explain anything but that his birthday is on Christmas.

With a sigh, I set my phone down by my bed and open "The Wings of Freedom" again. I read the first chapter over and over. As I read my eyes grow heavy. The book falls onto my chest. I...wonder what he's doing now...

*well there's chapter one of this book ugh my fingers hurt from typing Lol as always please leave comments :) <3 see you again soon*

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