Chapter 3

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To be continued? Who writes that in the back of their autobiography? I shrug and pull out my notebook. I have to write 10 pages by Friday. I write 3 sentences and rip out the page. It's 7:12 pm, maybe eating will help... I walk into the kitchen and cook a can of chicken noodle soup. The moans from Armin's room have stopped and now the shower is on. I sit at our small table to eat. Halfway through my bowl, the giggling couple runs from the bathroom to Armin's room wrapped in towels. I smile and shake my head drinking the rest of my broth.

"I hope you guys invite me to your wedding someday!" I chuckle and wash my bowl, they don't answer me.

After drying my bowl and spoon I head back to the couch. Oh shit I forgot to tell Armin I'm not going to class tomorrow.

I shoot off the couch and knock on Armin's door, "Hey guys I'm not going to class tomorrow."

The door flies open, "Does that mean you'd be okay with me staying with Erwin tonight?"

I nod and I swear I've never seen them run faster. At least I will have peace and quiet to write this report now. No moaning or giggling or...Erwin snoring. I shudder. Instead of frying my brain trying to write a few sentences just to scrap them, I end up passing out on the couch. Good thing I have all day tomorrow.

The next day, I wake up and rub my eyes. I fell asleep, leaning over I look at the clock on my phone. It's 9:23! Why didn't Armin wake me? After a long pause I relax, right...Armin went over to Erwin's.

"Damn it! I have to write a 10 pages by tomorrow."

I groan and fall back onto the soft couch. Maybe I can go back to sleep for a little while. No. I can't do that. I shake my head hard and retrieve my notebook from it's current spot on the floor. What's the easiest way to do this? Well I can split up the pages I need to write between the 3 parts of the book. No the last page can be a conclusion page. That leaves 3 pages per part. Yeah that's a good idea.

3 hours later

Wads of paper litter the floor and I bang my head against the coffee table. I've written at least 100 pages worth of reports why is this one so hard... Heat rises to my cheeks as I look at Levi's picture. Ugh stop being a creepy fanboy. Armin walks inside and I hear Erwin rev his engine before squealing away.

"Hey Eren just came home for some lunch. Erwin will be back in like 45 minutes," he smoothes his shirt and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Okay Armin sounds good. Hey has Erwin given you an allowance this week?" I laugh and he smacks the back of my head before leaving.

Erwin's soft spot for Armin is the reason we have our apartment and money for college without jobs. We both had part time jobs when they met up and could barely make ends meet. Thanks to Armin's more feminine side, Erwin's large pockets and need to spoil his...uh Cinnamon Roll, he gave us enough to quit our jobs and focus on school. At first it annoyed me, but my job is the reason I failed English.

Armin walks in munching on a ham sandwich, "Hey how is the report coming?"

I gesture to the balls of paper all over the floor, "It's going Great Armin."

He laughs and I grip my pencil so hard that it snaps making us both jump. Armin clears his throat and holds up his hands before slowly walking out the door. With a frustrated groan I grab a pen to begin writing again for what feels like the 116th time...

Another try at my first page complete when Armin yells his goodbye. I grumble and my essay drags on for  5 more hours. Armin walks in 2 hours late with disheveled hair looking exhausted.

He has a large smile plastered on his face. Uh huh, I stare down at page 9 of my report as he hums and sways his hips to his room. My jaw drops and I steal a glance at him as he walks. Is he limping?! Ew...nice. Shrugging it off I go back to the last page and a half of my essay. Why it took another 3 hours I'll never know. Who cares at least it's done now and I am pretty proud of myself for it. At almost 1 in the morning, I finally collapse into my bed.

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