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"Luna?" Lara rushes over to her "Lara what are you doing here you'll get sick" "its not contagious but more people are getting sick" " what is this" Luna asks herself to look at the people who lay in beds clinging to life "we need skaikru" Luna looks to Lara with sadness in her eyes. Lara clearly pissed turns away from Luna "like hell we do" she pulls at some things trying to find something "leeara you know we do" "skaikru don't help they bring death they destroy life I swear Luna if I ever see skaikru I'll kill them all myself" "you still blame them" " no I totally forgive them for making my sister look weak then getting her killed and of course I forgive them for killing my brother it was all just one big misunderstanding all forgiven" Lara says sarcastically then shoots dangers at Luna with her eyes " what if they can help us havent we lost enough" "skaikru can't help us" " what if they can what if—"Luna gets cut off by a child going into a seizures Lara rushes over to the small girl in the bed "hold her down" she commanders both of the two hold her down " what cant you stop it" "No! she has to go through it" they hold her down as she shakes then all of a sudden she stops and there isn't a sound. Luna and Lara look at each other. Lara puts her fingers to the girls neck to find a pulse then pulls her blade from her boot putting it under her nose. Lara looks up to Luna with sadness in her eyes lacing every feature on her face "shes gone" Lara swallows the lump in her throat then shuts her eyes. "yu gompli ste odon" Lara closes the girls eyes. The two girls look at each other. "Luna" stumbles in patria a young girl about 13 a child Luna basically called her own and friend of Laras. "patria no!" Luna rushes to her side as she falls into her arms..."you should go" Lara looks up from the ground "take the sick with you I'll stay here with the healthy" Luna nods in agreement "I'll tell kyko" she walks out leaving Luna to deal with patria

*end of flashback*

Clarkes pov

"okay so explain again" I tell lexa she sighs "witch part" she asks tiredly sitting by the bed. Lincoln lays in the bed next to Lara stroking her hair as she lays on his chest "all of it" "Becca wanted to make more night bloods but instead she accidently made dawn bloods their blood is a dark blue or even a sapphire blue only 3 known to survive her experiments not much is known about them but when a dawn blood is found they are brought to polis when they come of age their blood is believed to be special its rarer then night blood. she always seemed to heal quickly" "it'll pass we just have to wait" Lincoln comments "look I know shes your sister and all but its only been 48 hours and she looks like Lunas people did when they came to use theyd been sick for probably weeks before reaching us if she's that bad now I doubt she's getting better" "when she gets sick the sickness spreads quickly then leaves her system" lexa says "okay so how long does that usually take?" "depends on the illness" lexa answers "Lincoln" Lara looks up at him leearas voice is wheezing and you can hear the pain in her voice he nods slightly not knowing what to do "I'm here" he assures her taking her hand in his her eyes seemed almost drained of life as the red patches on her face became harder to ignore she seemed so close to death it brought even Octavia to tears and weve only known her under a week but even so seeing such a young child suffer like this was hard and it wasnt getting easier "here" Octavia brings a glass of water over to them I look at how caring she is with a child how good of a doctor how good of a mother she could be. "Clarke, can I talk to you?" bellamy questions with a small nod he is leading me out side. "what are we going to do?" he asks in a sound of desperation but now it was hard to know what anyone was talking about "about what?" he sighs and sits down on a small wall. I look at him with sorrow and care then decide to sit next to him, I put my hand on his leg and he looks at me tears just under his eyes not yet rolling down his face "everything...everything Clarke so much is happening and I dont know what to do" his voice becomes more fragile has he breaks into a cry hey shush I pull him into a hug "we'll do it together it'll be okay" he relaxes " I know about Octavia" he says and I pull back and place my hand on his "you okay?" I ask raising an eyebrow in concern he nods "yeah its just I? cant help thinking..."he trails of "bellamy? Thinking what?" "both of Lincolns sister are night bloods...well kinda you know they both have different blood of value what ifthere baby has that jean but what if there baby is never even born that list you made Clarke Lincolns not on that list neither is the baby" "bellamy I won't let that baby die and that list I told you we are not using it anymore there are too many people we care about and not enough space for all of them and as for the blood, maybe it will be a good thing that means its body will reject the radiation and what if people want to take their baby for her blood they won't because we won't let them ok well keep them save" I promise him he gives me a faint smile and stands to go back in but stops "do you think shell be ok?" he asks " I dont know " I reply sadly he nods and continues on his way in. I gather myself and head after him,

The 100 Season 4-5Where stories live. Discover now