The Red Barge

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Rohan stood on the headland, watching the breakers roll out of the sea mist to crash upon the rocks below. He had been there since before dawn, straining his eyes. On a nearby rock, Lamma sat and preened her iridescent wings. She had accompanied Rohan to this spot once before, but on that occasion had not dared to ask him why he had come here. Now, after being with Rohan for another year, she felt that she had the right to ask.

Lamma leapt into the air and fluttered to sit on Rohan's left shoulder. He barely glanced at the fairy as she landed on him, then turned his attention back to the sea before them.

"What are you looking for?" Lamma asked, trying to sound as innocent as she could.

Rohan gave no sign that he had heard her. He just continued to stare into the mist.

"It must be important," Lamma continued. "You were here last year. And, I'm guessing, the year before that." She waited for Rohan to answer, but the only reply was the sound of the breaking waves, carried up from below by the morning breeze. "If you're going to bring me here, you should at least tell me why."

"I did not bring you here. You followed me of your own free will," Rohan said dourly. "In fact, I recall that I asked you not to come with me."

Lamma sighed and tugged at Rohan's hair. "We are partners - fifty-fifty share, right? And that means the good times and the bad times. This is not one of the good times, but I am still here. You could at least tell me what you are looking for. I might be able to help."

For the first time that day, Rohan looked at the fairy. "Very well. Red sails. I am looking for red sails."

"Red ... ," the fairy murmured and turned her attention towards the obscured horizon. "There aren't many vessels that have red sails."

"I am interested in just the one," Rohan replied. "The Red Barge."

Lamma gave Rohan a surprised look. "What do you want the Red Barge for? You never seemed the type to have any dealings with the master of that vessel."

Rohan shook his head. "There is only one thing I want on that ship, and I cannot rest until I have it."

"Ah!" Lamma nodded. "Coin or treasure, yes? I did not think that you would be interested in their other services."

"Treasure. Yes." Rohan turned his attention back to the sea.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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