Play Time~

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Cascata laid down on her bed, reading a human book. It was a romance book and it kept her shouting at random and sometimes sobbing. Peter had to come in the room a few times because of this, getting a weird look from the siren.

"No! You stupid girl! Don't go to him, he's the reason your in this mess!" She yelled at the book, sitting up.

"I see that your still reading that book~" A voice called from the doorway to Peter's study.

The woman looked up to see the captain having his shirt unbuttoned, looking damn sexy. A dark red color was seen on his cheeks as he took another swing of the liquor in his hand. He walked over to her, his steps coordinated very well for someone that was drunk.

"Y-yes, Peter? Did I disturb you?" She asked, trying to move away from the drunken man.

He sat down on the soft bed, a frown etched into his face. It was very rare for the woman to see this, but yet again he was always busy and she rarely could get out of her room.

"Just needed a break from the papers. It's all too boring and too much." He confessed, taking another drink of his booze.

"Sorry... My people just somewhat did what they wanted. I never really had to deal with paper work..." She told him, a blush forming on her cheeks.

The pirate gave a chuckle, handing her the bottle. He wanted to see if the maid of the seas would really take it. She did so with a confused look.

"Have you ever had alcohol?" He asked her with a bemused look.

The female shook her head no. She could never drink alcohol for one, she was never old enough in nymph years; two, sirens don't need to drink.

"No... We sirens can't drink other liquids underwater." She whispered.

A laugh erupted from Peter as he fell completely on the bed. He couldn't help, but laugh as the all powerful Queen of the Sirens tried her first drink.

"Try it, most humans love this stuff. Though it can be somewhat mess with your mind." The captain laughed.

Embarrassed, Cascata took a small gulp of the stuff. The liquid burned her throat ever so slightly, but the taste was something she wanted to taste again. This time, she took a big gulp, some of it sliding down her chin.

"Hehe... That tasted good. If I ever go home, I'm got to tell my people about this." She giggled out as the captain fell silent.

Quickly, he took the now empty bottle of booze from the already drunk woman.

"No, give it back... I want more." She wined.

A small drunken chuckle escaped his lips. He liked the drunken version of the queen. She seemed more fun.

"Okay. Follow me then." He said, standing up.

The woman gave a small chuckle, standing up with him. Her white silk dress flowed around her flawless body. The weird thing was, she had been there for a couple months. Any glamor spell would've worn off by then. Yet, she still could seduce any man, even without her powers.

Peter grabbed the siren's hand and briskly walked to his office, where all the most powerful stuff was. He opened the door, allowing the girl go first.

"Sit down." He ordered her to do so.

She walked around his chair for a few seconds, being sexy as hell, before taking a seat. The man walked to his cabinet, pulling out two glasses and his weakest wine. Though he guessed that it would be like the strongest to a rooky, that Cascata was, at drinking.

"Here ya go." He handed her a small glass as he drank right out of the bottle.

Gulping it down in seconds, her eyes were clouded over, yet begging for more. The captain did as she pleaded, this time filling the glass to the rim. The perfect woman giggled as she now sipped the drink, savoring it.

"Why do I right now want to please you? Why do I feel so needy right now?" She asked with utter confusion, yet a small trace of lust was laced in her drunken voice.

It was true, the siren did want to do everything her captain told her to do. To keep him happy. Yet, her body was craving his as she stared at his eight packed chest that would've been delicious.

The man laughed at what she said, then blushed deeply as he realized what her words truly meant. He heard that the first sirens were monsters when they couldn't think clearly. That they were sexual monsters. And right then, he had a siren that was drunk for her first time... That wasn't good.

"Um... I think you had enough... It's not good to have as much wine as we have." He said, trying his hardest to convince her to go to bed.

"But why?~ Why don't we have some fun~ before we go to bed?" She asked, slowly standing up.

Because, he was an idiot, he was sitting right in front of the woman. Plus he was almost as drunk as she was. But, he didn't want to do anything... Not that he would ever want to have an affair with a mermaid.

"Why are you so nervous, puella? I'll be sweet to you." She whispered in his ear, giving it a small lick and nibble.

The wine bottle in the man's hand trembled as the woman kissed his neck lovingly. His body was loving what the experience siren was doing to him, but he knew that he better not. Gripping her hands, he lead he back into the room. Her smile was something that would've make any man moan.

Gently, he laid her down, trying his hardest not to fall into her trap. After he laid her down, he tried to pull the covers over her, but she threw them off.

"No! Sleep with me." She said with a childish voice, her arms outstretched in a grabbing motion.

Sighing he knew his defeat. He had really wanted to finish his work before bed. Still though, he completely took off his shirt and pants. He climbed in the bed, covering both of them. He liked this, even though he would never admit that to anyone. He liked having her warmth that was comfortable. He liked how she wasn't too perfect. How she was just happy with what he gave her, unlike someone he knows.

"Good night, puella." Cascata whispered as she pressed herself into his arms.

"Good night, Casy" Peter whispered back, his arms firmly around her, falling asleep with her.

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