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The siren of the sea woke up the next morning to feeling a splitting headache. Trying to roll over to see why it was impossible, because she was in the arms of a man. That's when she realized that she was in the arms of the man that kidnapped her! He had never held her before while they slept... It felt good somewhat... Then she pushed herself away from him and ran to the bathroom as quick as she could. It wasn't to just get away from him, but because she felt kind a sick... Something wasn't settling in her stomach.

"Hey, you okay?" A voice called to her as she sat on the floor, pulling her hair behind her ears.

Then the weight of her long black hair was lifted off of her back. She was about to thank him, when he stomach heaved greatly. Her throat burned with acid as she rejected whatever was in her belly.

Peter watched as he saw his girl throw up the alcohol she consumed the night before. He was surprised though that she didn't wake earlier.

Okay... I'm gonna ignore that pleasing thought.

"Here, I'll go get some water, you wash up." He told her, using a silver ribbon to tie up her hair so it would be out of her way.

The black haired female gave a small nod, letting him go fetch her a cup of water that her throat so desperately needed at the moment. Slowly getting up, she made her way to the sink. The smell of throw up was still lingering in her noise, even though she flushed the toilet. Sighing she turned the water on.

The man made his way to the kitchen to get some herb tea as well as fresh water. The tea was to help settle her belly, being her first hangover and all. The water was just to help sooth her throat.

"Hey, boss! What can I getcha?" Asked an over weighted cook.

The young man smiled at the older, father like man. He liked how the cook would always sneak him something sweet, even though the captain had once never aloud it. That was long before he came to power, yet the cook still gave him sweets. He also liked at how sweet the man was, so father like when needed.

"Just need some herb tea and water for the siren." He said ever so causally.

This got an eyebrow raise from the old cook.

"We got drunk last nigh, namely her. It was also her first time getting drunk. You know how powerful my weakest wine can be for someone who isn't use to it." He explained with a roll of his eyes.

"Ah! That would do it! Okay, give her water first. Let the throat heal a small bit before the tea." The gray haired man said to the boy, handing him a cup of water.

"Thank you. And can you bring that to my room please." He asked nicely.

The older man nodded quickly, a smile plastered on his face. With this, the young man left to give the water to the woman. His feet made it to the room faster than he had thought possible. Without knocking he opened the door, since it was his room after all. Guessing that she was still in the bathroom, he went there.

"Siren, are you in the-" He stopped talking and walking as he saw her passed out in the tub, water over her head. He wasn't scared that she might've been drowning, but she wasn't wearing her dress, or was in her mermaid form thanks to the spell seal. A dark blush crossed his face as he saw her naked body right there in front of him. Then she sat up. He knew he was gonna be in trouble if he was caught staring, but it was too late to not to stay. He was already frozen to the spot.

"Oh! Pirate, didn't hear you come in... Are you gonna keep staring at me or hand me the glass of water?" her hoarce voice snapped the pirate king out of his trance.

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