Love at First Sight

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              Narrator P.o.v

They all got saddled up and the girls told the boys the mission. Hiccup at first didnt want to go. His father Ezio told him he founf hiccup there, it has been a while. He learned fluent Norse and ao did his friends, but the thoight of going back. What if he finds his dad or mom. Dose he have sibalings or the only child. He was thinking to himself and mounted toothless. "Ok alayla, winter where are we headed first?"
"Berk , a land of kill ir be kill. Kills dragons, stubborn, cheif; stoick. Has a council that consists of 8
Astrid, snoutlout ,fishlegs , bucket, mulch, gober, spite lout , and sven." (I was listening to heathens XD)
"Well looks like we have a handful to convince lets leave now" with that they left most of them where scilence.They flew for hours and onoy took short rest enough to refulew there dragons energy. But then jack said something.
"Now entering tge archapeligo viking territory" Hiccup took in a deep breath as they slowly crossed the borders they soon saw land. Winter took out her map. It blew in the wind so i was getting anoying but soon got hold. "Ok so thats are destination Berk."
"Ok gang you guys ready. This is the plan. We tell the truth leave out the part of about that we are assassins. We hide our dragons in a secluded area. I suggest we go with the idea that we docked our boat on the other side of the island so they wont suspect the dragons. Got it?"
"Got it" they all replied. They started to look around and found a cove (You know the one 😉)

                 Astrid P.o.v
Normal day at berk I supposed. I had my normal rounds of the village. As i passed the arena seeing the twins and snot lout sparring. They waved to me and i waved back. I went towards the woods to practice throwing my axe at trees. I was in the middle pertending the trees where dragons. Deadly nadder, Nightmare, Zippleback, Groncle, And the prize dragon. Nightfury.
I was so foucused I didnt hear anyone sneak up on me.
"Hey there you live here in berk?"
I turn around to see a man with a black hood and three others. Tow of them seem female, one with a grey hood and robe brown hair, the other with a white robe and red hair. The last one I couldnt see how he looked but he had a black robe lined with grey. They all have weponds so i kept my axe in my hand. "Who asks?" I questioned. I must of been smarter then they thought because I could see 1 of the guys looked like surprused i ask. But the man infront of me just answered calmly. "Oh where are my mannera im Hiccup Aduritore" he said with a slight bow. "And yours?" I decided to play it smart "what about your friends i can see you didnt come alone." He looked back and the first one to come up was the girl with brown hair. "Carolina Winter Marquez. But you can call me winter." She has an accent you could hear it in her voice. But i decided to shrug it off. The next one was the girl with red.
"Alyala Ricur" she had a similar accent as winter. The last one was the male with a balck hood he got up from a tree he was leaning on.
"Jack leach, And now that we told you our names I think you should tell us yours." He sounded serious. I decided why not they aren't threting me. Plus they just tokd me theres "Astrid hofferson, fearless Astrid hofferson. What is your business here in berk may I ask" I went straight for the point. If they dont tell me I might just run them threw with mg axe. Hiccup spoke up "The business we have here is for your cheif a warning-" I cut him off. A WARNING. Was he threating us

"A warning like a thret?!" Hiccup put his hands up in defence "you cut me off a warning that there will be some enemies here planing to take berk to become more powerful. They will porpoise a peace treaty then tear it apart." I scaned his face to see if he was lying surprisingly he wasnt. "Ill take you to the cheif if you take off your hood." I know i got them good. They looked shocked but even more when hiccup agreed. The other sighed and took off there hoods. Alayla had long red that reached her waist with brown eyes. Winter had brownish gold hair and dark brown eyes. Jack had black hair with blue eyes. But nothing compared with Hiccup. He had auburn hiar with forest green eyes. Wait! Did i just swoon over a boy i just met! Nope nope nope.  Whyyy.  Uhg get over it Astrid. "Come I'll take you to the great hall and if i hear of betrayal themln I wont be pretty. " They all noded well looks like i made my message clear. We walked past the arena and saw snotlout and the twins stop fighting or "sparing" as they say. But we all know they are just fighting or planing more distruction. They sometimes spar like this morning, but ruffnuts mouty droped and started grooling, I guess at hiccup. And Oohh look at that i shot yer a death glare which made her think twice. They started to follow us i made a small intruduction and explain the problem with snotlout or why he even is in the council.
1 he is boasting about him being hier to berk
2 trying to flirt with me and
3 he is just plain stupid and gloats alot.
I sighed well berk is doomed. I still wonder why stoick dosnt have a wife or a child.

Well enough of me screaming tell me how you felt about this story. Also Alayla is my friends charchter while winter is based off me like my backround heritage and looks. I have this brownish gold hiar with dark brown eyes
Well by my wolf pups Ribbon out
-Ribbon the wolf demon
Aka Winter because I feel like a boss

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