Chapter 2

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August 1st, 2016

Jungkook P.O.V.

I look up at the leader, my eyes taking in every detail they can. I've always thrived on the little details, because they hold the deepest secrets. Like how he and Yadira are holding hands under the table and that Namjoon has a stone poker face. Our leader looks like a powerful king and Yadira, complimenting him well, is his regal queen. We had banded together not that long ago and we are growing rapidly.

My eyes roam around the expanse of the table, inspecting the others. All of my hyungs have another with them tonight, someone they would protect with their life and vice versa. All of us are well acquainted with one another but even then Jin and Viktoriya sit with a respectful gap between them, they like to keep things professional when need be.

Suga and Emma are sitting side by side, their fingers interlaced on the table, Suga's free arm around her shoulders, keeping her pressed to him. Her green eyes shine happily as she gets to enjoy his company. A little further down the table are Hoseok and Jocelyn. They're sitting in the same exact position, arms crossed over their chest as they lean against the backs of their chairs, legs planted firmly on the floor, their faces settled in the same serious gaze. I guess they've been spending a bit too much time together in that lab.

Then there's Jimin and Cecilia. Jimin is sitting with his elbows on the table and his head in his hands, while Cecilia stares at him, unable to look away. I wonder what's running through her mind for a split second, but quickly shake it off. V and Nia are next. Nia is sat directly on V's lap, his arms around her waist as they both watch our leader, listening to everyone give updates about each division. Then there's me. Jungkook. Alone at the end of the table. I bite my lip as I look away from the couples, an unsettling sort of anger and a bit of jealousy running through me. I know I should be settling down like the rest, but I honestly just can't find anyone who even remotely interests me romantically. I look at Namjoon, finally paying full attention.

The leader clears his throat and places his hands on the table. "So! Let's go over the best things from each division!" He states, his eyes glittering with something like.... Pride? Yes, pride, in us, and what we've built. "The assassin division is prospering! In fact, Jin just took out one of the biggest rivals we had. Lee Min-Ho is dead!" He exclaims, applauding Jin.

The rest of us burst into cheers as well, congratulating our eldest. Namjoon then continues. "On the narcotics side, Suga has brought in over $200,000 in the last month alone." Another burst of applause ensues, and Hoseok claps him on the shoulder with a proud smile. "On the chemistry side, Hoseok and Jocelyn have discovered a new, VERY effective poison, which can kill quickly and easily. Jin, make sure to talk to them about it later." He adds over another bout of applause.

He waits for everyone to quiet down before continuing. "Runners have some really fast newbies, and over in Tech, V has managed to hack the Seoul PD firewall!" Congratulations to both divisions are given, then he looks at me. I look at the table, knowing that he wouldn't like my update. "Jungkook, how's the weapon division?" He asks.

I sigh. "Well, we have one newbie. She's not too special, but she'll be pretty good after I train her for a bit." I say quietly.

Namjoon nods. "Good. How about the big shipment?" He asks, the dreaded question finally out in the open.

I look down at the table again, my nerves running wild. "Well, I made the delivery." I mutter.

Namjoon chuckles. "Alright, and?"

I look up at him slowly. "They stole them. The Glocks are gone."

Namjoon looks at me in disbelief, the whole room in dead silence. "They.... stole them?" He asks, still shocked.

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