Chapter 4

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August 2nd, 2016

Jungkook's P.O.V.

My phone buzzes viciously against my thigh, and I start, quickly pulling the small red phone out of my pocket, glancing at the caller ID, then placing it to my ear. "Jin hyung." I answer.

"Hello Jungkook. I've retrieved the stolen shipment for you, no need to pay Namjoon for it." He states, his voice bland.

"Hyung, you didn't have to do that." I reply, knowing he probably went through hell and back to get it.

I hear a chuckle. "Namjoon ordered me to go put a dent in their forces anyway, so I figured, Why not? You know?" He says. I can tell he's forcing the fake casual tone to his voice.

I clear my throat. "Well, thank you hyung. I really owe you one." I reply.

"Yes you do." He says quietly. "Goodbye little maknae." He adds, before the line goes dead.

I sigh and click the phone shut, shoving it back in my pocket and then looking at my watch. It's time to train Mi-Na. I quickly pull on a red t-shirt, and black skinny jeans, along with my red converse high tops. I look in the mirror, examining myself. Around my neck is my sterling silver chain that holds the signature leader pact ring. It's a simple black titanium band with BTS engraved in solid gold. Simple, yet so meaningful. I run a brush through my hair a few times, leaving it tousled, knowing the wind would have the same effect anyway.

Finally done looking at myself, I head to my weapon room. The room is piled full of the only things I really love. Guns, swords, knives, armour, staffs, anything you could dream of. I walk to my favorite part, guns. I take a sawed off, double barreled shotgun and a Magnum off of the wall, then set them on a nearby cleaning table. I sit down on the stool and quickly disassemble them both, then grab a burlap sack, pushing all of the parts into the bag, then jostling it around to make sure the parts got really mixed up.

I sling the bag over my shoulder and walk to my car, a sleek red Bugatti. I toss the sack onto the passenger's side, then climb into the driver's side and press the gas pedal with care, deciding not to drive like Jimin.

I turn at the entrance of the training grounds for those who work in the weapons division. After finding a place to park I grab the sack and step out of the car. I make my way over to the main building where I told Mi-Na to meet me at. I walk into the well air conditioned building and head over to a table, pleased when I see that my pupil is already there. I'm not so pleased when she opens her mouth to speak.

"You're late." She tells me as I come to stand across from her at the table.

I stare her dead in the eyes, the burlap sack slung over my shoulder, "No, you're just early." I retort.

She's silent for a few moments, obviously trying to come up with something smart to say but falls short, "What are we going to begin with?" She asks, dropping the need to retaliate.

I smirk. "We're gonna go over some of my very basic weapon assembly." I reply with a slight undercurrent of cockiness.

She slumps her shoulders, lifting her gaze to meet mine. "That's all? I already know weapon assembly very well. I thought we were going to go over something more advanced.... Sir." She replies, disappointment clear in her voice.

I chuckle a bit. "I never said it would be basic for you, newbie." I reply, dumping the sack out on the table she is seated at.

The weapon parts scatter all over the table, and some even fall onto her lap and onto the floor. I take a seat across from her, keeping my distance. "Go ahead, figure it out." I say, my voice dripping with egotistical arrogance.

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