Chapter 12

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There was a lengthy silence throughout the room before Christian huffed out a long breathe as he dragged his palms down his face in exhaustion. I could tell by the lack of dark circles beneath his eyes that the exhaustion was not physical – no, it was purely mental and emotional exhaustion which nagged at his subconscious mind.

Pulling my arms into my chest in a defensive stance I once again pushed the oxygen tank behind my legs with my foot and drew the large knitted wool jumper around my neck to increase any semblance of warmth that I could gather.

"Rose I-" Lissa cut herself off as she swallowed the large lump that I could imagine was forming within her throat before Christian pushed himself up off of the bed and sat on the arm of my chair. I was in shock – I mean, this was pyro after all…

"Rose, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Christian asked in a hushed tone before gingerly placing a strong hand upon my shoulder. I could tell that he wasn't all too fond of this emotional stuff and I too could instantly feel my posture stiffen at the unfamiliar comfort from Christian.

Lissa quickly swiped away a single tear which escaped from the corner of her eye as she watched the two of us and I could feel the surge of warmth (no spirit warmth but the true kind) flood through the bond as she watched her best friend and her boyfriend finally warm up to each other. Yes, it may be under strange and difficult circumstances but either way… at the end of the day we are still closer than we were this morning.

"It's about time you two quit trying to kill each other." Lissa laughed, cutting away the tension coating the room and quickly flood the painful silence with soft harmonious giggles. Laughing along with her I scrunched up my face in mock disgust and softly nudged Christian away with my shoulder.

Landing with a soft thump on the carpeted floor, Christian's mouth hung agape in shock before nudging the chair leg in what I think was supposed to be a kick and pulled himself up by the help of Lissa's hand which she held out dutifully.

"Well – I guess I should have taken a photo while that moment still existed but it did exist nevertheless … no matter how short lived." Lissa spoke with a sarcastic grin pulling up the corner of her lips.

Clearing my throat I pushed back my hair behind my ear and focused my gaze on Lissa as Christian continued to get comfortable on the bed beside her.

"So, what have I missed?" I asked in a casual tone as if none of these past weeks had even occurred.

"Well, let me see…" Lissa thought as she dramatically put a single finger to her chin in a position one would often associate to the state of deep thinking.

"Oh! I taught Adrian to bring a rose back to life… he always seems so much more educated when it comes to spirit abilities." Lissa grumbled with a distinguishable note of envy seeping through each word which escape her lips.

"Liss, he grew up knowing what spirit was and he might just be a bit of a quicker learner… you'll get it, just be patient." I offered in a joyful tone before whispering under my breath. "He's bringing plants – you bring back the dead and I don't just mean flowers I mean people – people like me. I wouldn't be so worried about any of that especially considering visiting people's dreams is extremely annoying."

It's bad enough having Adrian frequently visit my dreams but if Lissa was at it too – I would never get any sleep.

"You know you'll be one of the first ones ill test it on." Lissa grinned cheekily at the idea but I could also see the faint glimmer of something indistinguishable dancing within her eyes. I was just about to call he rout for it but as soon as I blinked it just seemed to disappear just as quickly as it had shown up.

"So what else has been going on then?" I asked in curiosity as I suddenly felt the intense burning inside of me – the intense burning for knowledge and the sudden realisation of my lack of gossip throughout the school. I know that sounds really shallow and kinda lame but either way – I'm a teenage girl – we kinda off of this stuff.

"No way, for every aspect of our lives we get to hear something about your last few weeks." Lissa interrupted as she held up a hand to silence me. I grinned at her as I felt ourselves dissolve back into the ways of the old as we continued to chat with one another throughout the entirety of the night.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for how short this was and the gross lack of updates and I know it doesn't really mean anything to you but I mean – I have just gone back to school and I'm now in my 12th and final year so I will try with all my might to update as much as is humanly possible.

I will try to have a longer chapter up sometime soon – possibly within this next week (fingers crossed) and until then – enjoy this brief moment of Rose's slip into her old life with Christian and Lissa as – who knows what may happen next… In fact, I sort of don't even know myself as of yet…

Please don't give up on this story – I will try to include all of the aspects which everyone loves about such an iconic literature series as Vampire Academy so bear with me.

Please and thank you,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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