Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry for the very late update, thank you all for your patience and hopefully you will enjoy this chapter too


Ishita dragged her suitcase through the arrival gate in Goa International Airport in the dawn of day, she had to take the last flight from Mumbai to Goa in Mr. Patani place.

Mr Sonu Patani, the director of the farming company was supposed to go there but his son just got an accident and still in critical condition, they need an higher authority to make the deal with the people there, therefore Ishita have to go there with last minutes notice. Mr. Patani said that one of his manager that made the early deal with the people there will come to pick her up, therefore Ishita's eyes screen through the crowd for a person that take a board with her name, instead she found Arjun waving for her in the crowd. So the manager is Arjun. Ishita not surprised, Arjun did have his way with people.

Arjun put Ishita's luggage in the trunk and open the rear door for her, Ishita look at the opened door and move to open the door beside the driver and slip in there. Arjun sighed and closed the door and slip to the driver seat. They drive to the hotel in silence and Arjun take Ishita to her reserved room. Just before Ishita close the door, she smile at Arjun and said "thank you". Arjun surprised, after the tension in the restaurant and judging hoe she avoid him in the office, he thought Ishita will ignore him, he turned and walked to his own room to take rest before the morning come with a slight smile on his face.

In the morning Ishita and Arjun had breakfast together, Arjun brief Ishita on the situation there, what they'll do and face in the location, at the end of breakfast, Arjun told Ishita that one of the client invite them to his daughter's marriage tonight. Ishita was very surprised because she only took several formal and some casual clothes with her.

That day was so full of hustle and Ishita push her worries about tonight's worries aside, she'd managed as usual.

Night come and Ishita is standing in front of her brief case that really brief, trying to pick something decent for an Indian marriage, today and hectic schedule didn't give her time to buy some decent sari for tonight occasion, finally she settled with a black shirt and flower skirt, she let her hair loose.

Arjun and Ishita arrived at the client house earlier, they went to give greet Mr. Singh, their client and also the host of tonight's party. Arjun shake Mr. Singh's hand and congrats him for his daughter's wedding and before Arjun had a chance to introduce Ishita, Mr. Singh said to Ishita "You must be Mrs. Patel, nice to meet you". Ishita and Arjun share some awkward situation before Arjun explain that Ishita is the CEO of the Modi Enterprises. Ishita then introduce herself "nice to meet you, Mr. Singh, I'm sorry for not properly dressed" Ishita sound her apologies because she saw that every females there wear saris.

"I'm the one that should apologize for wrongly called you as Mrs. Patel" Mr. Singh replied, he then called his wife to join them and whispering something to her.

Mrs. Singh asked Ishita if she would kindly accept their small introduction gift, Ishita tried to reject softly but she keep insisting, finally Ishita gave up and follow Mrs. Singh to upstairs.

The 'gift' turned out to be a beautiful polka dot transparent sari with blue flowers embroidered along the sides with pink lining, along with a pink matching earrings, Ishita tried to refused again but finally gave up. Mrs. Singh even help her dressed up, Ishita look at herself at the mirror, the sari actually looks good on her, she thanks Mrs. Singh again for her generosity.

Mrs. Singh and Ishita head back to where Mr. Singh and Arjun still chatting. Arjun can't take his eyes off Ishita that walked gracefully in her white transparent sari, she looked stunning. Ishita conscious that Arjun is staring at her, her cheek blush several shade of pink, fortunately the groom finally arrive and all of the hustle distracted everyone else attention. Arjun walked to Ishita and unconsciously said "you look beautiful" Ishita caught off guard by that instant confession and whispering "thanks". Arjun didn't heard what Ishita said because of all the noise so he move her face closer to Ishita and asked her "what?" Ishita sighed and turn to whispering directly to his ear when the crowd rushed in and clamp them in the middle, causing Ishita lips to landed up in Arjun's cheek, leaving a lipstick mark there. Surprised, they turn to look at each other when the crowd clamped around them once again, Ishita got sandwiched between the crowd and Arjun, Arjun protectively hold Ishita and shield her from the crowd, Ishita's lipstick stain Arjun's collar, fortunately Arjun wear a blue shirt so the lipstick stain not very visible. The groom finally get into the house and the crowd disperse, leaving Arjun that still hugging Ishita. The waiters come to offer them some drinks and they resuscitated from their state, Arjun release Ishita from his hug and Ishita straighten her tidy sari, their face turn the other way with several shades of pink on both cheeks but their awkwardness not last long because Mr. and Mrs. Singhs come to them and pull them into the dance crowd and they were forced to blended in the dance. Several minutes and several drinks later, all awkwardness gone, there's only smile, laugh and happiness around them.

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