Episode 2 A Cardigan On a Coatrack

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Episode 2 A Cardigan On a Coatrack


"Corduroy, are you serious?" Tartan was rolling his eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out, then turned to jog down the narrow alley. "Hey, get your butt back here. You know she told us the people here are dangerous."

"I know. But we can't act like we know." I giggled a bit maniacally. Trademark jester laugh, gotta love it!

"Okay," Tartan stuck his fingers under my hat, scruffing my hair. "You wanna knock, or me?"

That's where I drew the line. I was too scared of what could actually happen, all bark and no bite. So I shook my head and pouted, "No, you do it Tartan."

"I knew you weren't that reckless." He withdrew his hand with a smile and a wink. Then he went straight to the door and knocked. That was my Tartan. I'd been friends with him since our childhood. We had grown up together in the Rose Court. I looked up to him though. He was so much stronger and so much braver than I could ever be.

The door gave a hollow sound at each tap of Tartan's knuckles. It was opened and a large man loomed over us. I stayed behind Tartan, hands on his shoulder and peering frightfully up at the brute. "¿Quién eres tú?" He scowled. He looked like he could tear us apart with his pinkies. I stared at his hands, they were bigger than my head!

In perfect Spanish, Tartan said, "We were invited along, sir. Would you like a churro, and perhaps a rose?" Tartan smirked up at the beast. The man stepped forward, towering over us. I could faint! He could give Prince Animals from the Threadland curse days a run for his money.

Tartan took a pink rose from his satchel, holding it out as an offering to the bouncer. It was taken, and the man nodded. "Fine, you may pass amigo."

Tartan took my hand as we went into the apartment, dragging me along. If he wasn't there, I would've peed my pants and passed out from shock. "Thanks, Tartan," I beamed at him.

"Just bring those churros where they're supposed to go. I'll be around." then he leaned close, whispering harshly so only I would hear him. "And remember why we're here."

"Yes Tartan." I nodded, submissive.

"Good." he left, leaving me by myself in unfamiliar territory.


Prince Animals

"Thank you Cashmere," I said to the steward. He inclined his head politely to me, backing away before disappearing into the dungeon's shadows. Somewhere in the background I could hear water dripping. Perhaps someone would need to make a few repairs to take care of the upkeep of this castle. I remember how Belle would never have stood for my own castle falling apart. She wasn't my servant, yet she saw fit to take it upon herself. I respected the strong willed, free spirited young woman for that.

I nodded to the two guards outside the King's cell. They unlocked the gate, and with a look, I sent them away. I was alone with France's mortal enemy. He looked up at me, "Prince Animals. I thought you'd never come."

I leaned forward, using my large masculine physique to my advantage. "Why? Because you invaded my castle? Because you used my people as a stepping stone into France? Because of the Threadbare Incident?"

"Funny, you know, how it was named after me. At least I can say I made it into the history books." he had a smug smile I just wanted to swipe from his face. The so called king was a bother, a pest that deserved the extermination coming to him.

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