Episode 6 Birthday Cakes and Death Wishes Part 1

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Episode 6 Birthday Cakes and Death Wishes Part 1

Belle French

The girl that was greeted at the door by Miss Lemon was a bit peculiar to say the least. She was giddy and energetic, but her outfit made her stand out like a sore thumb. The white dress had splotches of random colors, like someone had just decided to splatter paint it with no holds barred. Her white hat told a similar story, with the plumes of many feathers of all colors of the rainbow. My eyes had lit upon her almost as soon as she'd walked through the door.

As Lemon spoke with her, she threw her head back and laughed, her curling black hair falling around her like snakes. There was something unsettling about her, and I knew I didn't like this girl.

I had gotten a drink from one of the servers walking about, and was sharing some time with Cotton. She stood with her own drink near me. We were here partly because we were meant to watch the boys, but also on business from Chiffon. He had said to look out for anyone out of the ordinary, especially people of which Lemon Meringue might take a particular interest.

"She seems off to me, Cottonball." I said to my friend.

"That she does." Cotton agreed. Then the newcomer glanced over in our direction, like she knew we were watching. "Oh!" Cotton was thrown off balance.

"It'll be fine, Cotton," I sent my friend reassurance.

I noticed the woman glance up at the balcony, smile and lick her lips then look away just as fast. Her gaze fell on me, locking eyes with me. Her eyes were red as cherries. I narrowed my eyes, but the woman returned her attention to Lemon, who drew her away from the door and into the midst of the party.

"She looked at us," I hissed, "that was weird. I don't get a good feeling at all."

Cotton began to walk off, discretely toward the girl. I looked around before following. I realized Lemon was trailing after her new guest like a puppydog on a leash. We wouldn't be able to get close without drawing her notice. We could observe from afar however.

Cotton turned to whisper to me, "Miss, a dark and dangerous Silk is forming, and it is sewn through that strange girl."

"There is something at work here, Cott. I don't like it one bit. It reminds me of the Animal Castle, back in the days of the curse."

"This is less of a curse though," Cotton looked skeptical. "It's just chilling." To the core, yes. I nodded at her in agreement.

Party goers turned heads as the black haired woman passed. I heard her murmur sweet nothing to Lemon, "Such simplicity, dear. I'd like to spice things up." Lemon looked ready to dismiss her, but decided something and shrugged it off instead.

"Shh, Cotton, you hear what they're saying?"

"Lemon, may I take a slight break? I have a special surprise."

"They're too far away to be heard. Besides, the party is too loud." Cotton played with a strand of hair that had fallen loose, hands brushing against her kitty ears in an effort to block the loud party noises.

"But..." I started, staring after the splatter painted dress as it disappeared through a side door. "Where in Threadland is she going?" I narrowed my eyes. I took a step in that direction, every intention to find out and stop her, but Lemon came across my path.

"My! I have completely neglected my duties as hostess," Lemon's eyes were so wide. "Come, come. I must get you something." Cotton and I were forced to follow the woman. We exchanged glances as Lemon rushed off, such a fast little thing.

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