Dragon Souls: Heart of Disease Chapter 1: Prologue

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Hi, I'm NorDragon and welcome to my new fantasy saga „Dragon Souls". I hope that you will love it just as I do.

[The story and characters are all created by me. It contains references to "Witcher","Skyrim" and mythology. ]

The last thing before I start, I want to say thank you to the best friend of mine who gave me the courage to show my ideas to other people.


The alarm clock started to ring. The gold blonde-haired girl slowly opened her brown eyes. She sat on the bed and looked around. The bedroom was a complete mess after a gaming night with her younger brother. He might be only 11, but he is a very hard opponent in computer games.

"Good that he will never beat the true RPG master." She said while looking at her newest Witcher 3 poster.

The girl put on her favorite pair of jeans, tartan patterned shirt and she went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning mom."

"Good morning Viktoria. Did you sleep well?" Asked her mom while frying eggs.

"Yes. Also, the taste of victory makes dreams better."

"You won because I let you!" Shouted her brother after he dashed into the kitchen.

"Maybe in your imagination, Simon! I'm the best swordmaster. Deal with it!"

"Wanna fight?!" He bantered her

"Anytime." Viktoria smiled and assumed an attack position.

"Okay, that's enough!" Kids' mom ordered, "What this travel backpack is doing in a hall?"

"It's mine." The girl replied "I'm going on a school trip today."

"Oh no! I completely forgot about this. I have to make some sandwiches for you."

"No, that's okay. You don't have t-"

"Sweetheart, you remember what I told you about this disgusting fast food, right? Don't worry, you are going to be on time, your father will take you there by car."

"Do I really have to? She's in the second class of high school! Aren't we devoting her too much time? She must grow up already!" complained dark-haired man.

"You're horrible!" said girl's mom "How could you tell such a mean things. Nothing gives you permission to blame your problems on kids!"

"I can't say ANYTHING in this house which will not be another reason for you to have an argument!" The man replied and took car keys.

Simon looked at their parents with sad eyes.

"Hey, don't make that face." Victoria tried to cheer him up "Y'know, I'm going to Białowieża* National Park and I'm also visiting Minerals and Stones museum there."

"Wow! You really like precious stones, don't you? You can brag about your collection at school."

"Haha! I will."

*Białowieża- National Park in Poland


When Viktoria arrived at school car park everybody was already getting into a coach. She said goodbye to her dad.

"Remember to phone us if there would be something wrong." He said to his daughter.

"Okay! Love you!"

Suddenly someone grabbed her backpack. She looked behind and saw a cheerful brown-haired girl- Alex. Unlike Victoria, Alex was an extrovert and very popular in school. Still, two girls were best friends.

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