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A skeleton with dark purple, magical, hair had been sitting at the porch of her shared house. Lucida had fallen asleep while she watched the Disorder Monsters. It wasn't long 'til she started to dream but this dream was all too familiar. It was like a memory. A memory she did not want to relive at all.

The world she remembered before she closed her eyes had morphed into the Underground. She was inside the forest between The Door and Snowdin. She was walking into the maw of a giant cavern to follow a shadowy hawk called Paranoid Personality Disorder. It invoked Doubt, Hostility, Jealously, and so many other negative effects on the monsters of the Underground. It had to be tamed so it would stop the negativity. She had remembered that she wasn't alone. Franklin was at the beginning of the cavern, waiting for her return with the Disorder Monster.

Darker and darker, the cavern started to shroud her in its darkness. Lucida kept on searching for the Disorder Monster but soon she was meet by a pair of luminous white eyes then more appeared. The "eyes" had grown brighter that the lit up the cavern and the creature revealed itself, Paranoid Personality. Lucida showed it her hands to show it that she was unarmed and meant no harm. "I want you to trust me," she whispered. "I want you to come with me." she continued as came closer to monstrous hawk. All of its eyes were gazing upon her, watching her every motion. It was very unnerving but she ignored the Paranoia.

In its eerie voice, it repeated, "I can't trust you." Then that phrase turned into panicked screeches from the hawk as Lucida grew near the Disorder Monster. It screeched in her face, but Lucida grabbed its skull and started to calm it down. She soothed the monstrous creature from its own Paranoia. She hummed it a song to calm its mind so she could tame it. Once she sensed its mind was completely calm and clear, she looked into its eyes and the eyes of the Disorder Monster became purple like hers. She had tamed the creature and its mind was its own now.

Back at the maw of the cavern, Franklin had been waiting patiently for Lucida to tame Paranoid Personality Disorder. The creature had racked up numerous amounts of complaints from the Monsters, including King Asgore. So this Disorder Monster had to be either tamed or subdued since these creatures could not be killed. That was one interesting fact about the Disorder Monsters; they could not be killed, even the Royal scientist couldn't figure out why and they even sent her a Disorder Monster to run tests on. He paced back and forth at the beginning of the cavern and his thoughts were halted by the crunching of snow. Someone or something followed them to the cavern.

Back in the cavern, Lucida had reassured the Disorder Monster and began to escort it out. With the help of the beast's "eyes", it lit up the cavern so they could both see. For a cavern that's haunting when left alone in the darkness, it was quite beautiful when lit up be the Disorder Monster's lights. The walls and ceiling glittered like stars, similar to Waterfall. The two continued towards the winding path outside the cavern and the light from the outside could be seen.

It seemed the crunching of snow had stopped but Franklin's peace of mind had finally left him. Whatever was following them finally caught up with them. The skeleton tried not to stray far from the cave and went to find the source of the noise. He searched around for at least some footprints but nothing seemed out the ordinary. Those noises didn't leave his head when came back to the cave, "I guess it ran off, whatever it was." The howling wind was blowing through the forest but something about the winds was odd. The wind started to sound like voices whispering in his ears.

Franklin tried his best to ignore the voices from the wind but they seemed to get louder. He put his clawed hands on his head, he noticed the voices were in his head and he didn't know what to do about it. "What the hell?" he muttered as he searched around for a body to go with the voices. Nothing but trees and snow were in sight so he looked to the cavern and hoped to see Lucida with the Disorder Monster. She was nowhere in sight and voices began to yell at him, almost at a deafening level. Screams of agony escaped through his teeth as he dropped to his knees, the pain becoming almost unbearable.

As he fell to his knees, the world around him started to dim like the light was leaving him. Almost like the world around him was going black. He was undergoing his first Manic Attack. Franklin realized that this was the same thing that happened to Lucida but she was able to get help. Franklin had no one around him to help him out of this. Lucida was probably far in the cave's chambers with the Disorder Monster, still trying to find her way back. He was alone in this state; at least he thought he was.

With what little vision he had left, Franklin turned his head to a Monster he had never seen before. This "monster" was anthropomorphic that wore markings that were similar to his own. "Y-You have the Mark... Of the Disorders..." Franklin uttered with what strength he had left. In the state he was going through, he was practically stupefied. He struggled to get himself up but he fell on his hands and knees, he was too weak to much of anything. He turned his skull to hopefully see Lucida step out to get Franklin the help he needed but nobody came. He heard distorted laughing from the "monster" before he collapsed.

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