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The light from the stain glass windows shone through the Hallway, lighting the path for the only two figures there. The light seemed to make their magical, wispy hair gleam more vividly as they pass through the various marble columns. One figure peered over her shoulder and asked the other figure, "Which Disorder Monster do you think it is this time?" The tall figure's eyes wondered as he pondered. "Hm... That's a good question, Lucida." the tall figure responded. Lucida's heavy boots echoed in the Hallway until the tall figure continued, "Do you think it's that armadillo one?" Lucida had to stop and think about that Disorder Monster. That was the very Disorder Monster that tried to attack Klyde and Petra just for being in the way. 'What was its name?' she thought to herself. She turned to the tall figure. "Wasn't its name Social Anxiety, Franklin?" she asked. Franklin stopped next to his partner and ran his clawed hand through his wispy, dark blue hair. Hearing the name seemed to ring a bell so it had to be its name. He turned his skull to her and answered, "I believe so."

They continued along the Hallway and reached the massive corridor that led to the Throne Room of King Asgore. The room was lit by the outside light from the various windows and the floor was riddled with beautiful golden flowers. It seemed as if nature decided to take over this room with the help of King Asgore. They were everywhere but they never seemed to reach the lone throne in the room. The King's throne, that is. The goat monster was watering a patch of golden flowers. He was waiting for the arrival of the two Marked Skeletons.

The echoes of the Marked Skeletons' boots reached King Asgore's ears as he turned around to water another patch of golden flowers. "Your majesty?" Lucida uttered to catch the attention of the King. King Asgore's eyes wandered off the flowers and met Lucida's. The Marked Skeletons were at the massive corridor of the Throne Room. The King gestured for them to come inside the Throne Room. Franklin had broken the silence in the room. "Your majesty, you asked for us but for what exactly?" Franklin asked the King. Asgore had put the watering can away and he turned to the tall Marked Skeleton. "I have been receiving some complaints of a Disorder Monster causing some severe Paranoia." He spoke in a calm voice. The Skeletons looked to each other then back to King Asgore. "I need you two to take care of it quickly since this one can fly." he continued. Both Franklin and Lucida sighed. They didn't know how to deal with a flying Disorder Monster. This was the first time they heard of one being able to fly. Franklin responded, "Well, get right to it, your majesty." Lucida nodded to King Asgore. The King gave them a warm smile and said, "I know you two will. You two always get the job done." Lucida chuckled while Franklin was eager to go find the Disorder Monster. The blue haired Skeleton yelled out to his partner to come with him. Lucida had thanked the King for his kind words as she ran off to catch up with her partner. The King waved bye to the Hunters of Disorder Monsters.

"Well, aren't you eager?" Lucida chuckled, catching up to her partner-in-crime. Franklin was halfway through the Hallway then he turned and stopped for Lucida. He shrugged while his words echoed off the walls of the Hallway. "The sooner we get the Disorder Monster, the sooner we can see what it's capable of." It was never really outwardly said by the two Marked Skeletons. They had this deep fascination with the Disorder Monsters, wondering how they were created and if they had more powers than their ability to instill what they're named after. Together, they have six Disorder Monsters under their control. Apparently, capturing those Disorder Monsters came at a cost, though. When Lucida captured the Major Depression Disorder Monster, it wasn't long until a similar creature started to haunt her. It was an anthropomorphic skeletal monster whose skull was a snout and mandibles lined with razor sharp teeth. All five of its eye sockets were dark, almost soulless as a black haze emitted from them. It had the same wispy, magical hair both the Marked Skeleton's had but it was like the blacked haze that leaked from its eye sockets. Its large bone tail lined with sharpened processes was strong enough to topple trees or anything that stood in its path. The Mark of the Disorders was etched on every bone of their skeletal body. Its horns and outfit gave the impression it was a regal creature but its behavior was nowhere near regal. It referred itself as "The Disorder Queen" and she had a vendetta against Lucida for taking her Disorder Monsters. The Disorder Queen form of revenge was forcing Lucida to go through a "Manic Attack"- her first one to be exact- then she kidnapped her and dragged her to the Snowy Forest outskirts. It's like the whole world around her was slowly enveloped by darkness and there was nothing that could stop it. An unfathomable amount of pressure could be felt on your back, forcing you to the ground. In the all you could hear was deafening, disembodied voices. A Manic Attack stupefies any of those who have the Mark of the Disorders. It is a horrible curse but it gave the Marked Skeletons the ability to stop the Disorder Monsters from ravaging the Underground.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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