Undertale Genocide Package - Megalovania

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Sans: (Spoken) heya.

you've been busy, huh?


so, i've got a question for ya.

do you think even the worst  person can change...?

that everybody can be a good person, if they just try?

heh heh heh heh...

all right.

well, here's a better question.

do you wanna have a bad time?

'cause if you take another step forward...

you are REALLY not going to like what happens next.


sorry, old lady.

this is why i never make promises.

it's a beautiful day outside.

birds are singing.

flowers are blooming...

on days like these, kids like you...

Should be burning in hell.

(Singing) You know, I've been thinking

About you and me

Was this preordained?

Was this meant to be?

Somewhere deep down I

Thought that you could change

Fighting means nothing

But I'll fight anyway

There's not a bit of good inside

You followed the path of genocide

You're gonna have a bad time

Here I stand, I must prevail

You're not gonna like what happens next

You step forward, you're gonna get wrecked

For everyone I could not protect,

Here and now, I'll end this tale

Jumping all through space and time

Following your own design

Stopping, starting, crossing lines,

'Til everything ends

Your Determination fell

You filled up with LOVE, I can tell

You sold your SOUL and came from hell

Killing your friends

I know there's no point to life

If all of this can be reset

Living day by day, but the next we might forget

No point trying to escape

The surface holds no more appeal

Have you ever wondered if you still are real?

I've seen what comes next

Paid my last respects

It's long past time for

Us to end this game

Guess I will fight for

The few that remain

I will break your will

You keep fighting still

Hoping for the kill

Here I stand, here I'll stay

Swing that thing around

But you know you're going down

Once I saw the light

Once there was no fight

Once you did what's right

Once I called you friend

I know, somewhere, you remember

They said that you could be better

That hope is a dying ember

You just wanted to see this end

See how far you can descend

Now we can never make amends

Kill for the sake of play

Deny us light of day

So I stand in your way

Guess we're doing this the hard way.

You are never gonna smile,

You are heartless, you are vile

Well, goodbye, then, fallen child,

Know you never had a prayer

You are never gonna make it

Your will, I am gonna break it

I will not stand there and take it

I can't afford not to care

I gave up hope long ago

Not much point in dreams, you know

When they stopped, we started the show

Once upon a time

Now we stand here, face to face

Defiling this sacred place

I will not let you erase

All space and time

I hate making promises

I know that the ending's the same

Every single time, you reset, fight again

Take it from me, kid

That it's time we stopped this child's play

Time you learned to stop, learned that day is today

Why do you still fight?

Do you think you're right?

No more bloodshed and

No more violence

At the end of the day

There's just silence

You made your mistakes

Simply feeding your mania

But now hell awaits,

When I stop Megalovania

So long, child of man

Tell them hi from Sans

You're not gonna like what happens next

You step forward, you're gonna get wrecked

For everyone I could not protect,

Here I stand, I must prevail

I'm not going to turn tail,

Time to stop this bloody trail

Here and now, I'll end this tale

(Spoken) Heh, didja really think you would be able-


... ... ... So... Guess that's it, huh? 

... Just... don't say I didn't warn you.

 welp. i'm going to grillby's.

papyrus, do you want anything?

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