back to mexico

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I got out the car my hair in a messy ponytail I pulled the cover back before putting it back down

"Do you know him?"Theo asked

"His names josh he was a junior"I said

"Which one did it the one with the cane?" Scott asked

"Yeah"stiles said

"What are we gonna do with him?we can't just set the alarm and leave that's how Tracy disappeared"Theo says I folded my arms

"Well then someone has to stay here with him"I said

"I'll do it it's not like I had a big Saturday night planned" Theo says my phone vibrates Scott reaches back into my back pocket pulling it out my mouth dropped open before I quickly closed it he never did anything like that before

"What is it?" I asked Scott

"Another one another Chimera"he said me stiles and Scott hopped into my car the twins were in the back with stiles

"You're unusually quiet what's up?" Stiles asked I sighed

"Alright here"I said I gave them the book I still hadn't finished

"You're still on the first chapter?"stiles asked I nodded

"Yeah and if that's not enough kick in the balls I can barely read it"I said

"What do you mean you can't read it?" Scott asked I glanced at him

"I mean I'm having trouble reading I can't understand what's going on....mason says it's common with foxes"I said

"Would you like to fill us in cause I'm not understanding you right now"stiles says

"Foxes have difficulty with languages hence the reason I'm currently failing English and anything else that involves reading" I explained

"But you're not a fox"Scott says

"I said the same thing to mason and you know what he asked me?" I asked him

"Are you sure"stiles says I nodded

"Exactly and the truth is I'm not sure there are different types of foxes" I said

"Just like kira"Scott says I nodded

"Exactly like kira....I think this might have something to do with araya"I said Scott eyes widened

"The thing is I don't remember anything about that night the calaveras found me"I continued

"Please don't tell me you're seriously thinking about going back to mexico"stiles says I glanced at him through the rearview mirror

"I'll only be gone 2 days I promise"I told him

"You have to trust me"I said looking at Scott he reaches over to squeeze my hand on the steering wheel

"I trust you"
"Hayden?it's Scott I know you're scared but we just we want to help"Scott says I held Alex in my arms as liam held Allison who touches his faces with big green eyes just like Lydia and I

"I can hear her heart beating she's really freaked out liam what happened?" I asked him he shrugs

"She was okay when we got here I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in"he explains

"Why?" Stiles asked

"I don't know"he says

"she's definitely a chimera?"I asked him

"She said she heard a voice saying your condition improves"liam explained

"Okay that's unsettling" stiles says walking to the door

"Hayden this is stiles your sister works for my dad down at the station look just open the door okay you can trust us"stiles says Scott walks back to the door

"We just need to tell you the truth Hayden and that kind of thing usually is better face to face listen either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna break it open it's okay if you don't wanna talk or if you're not ready to believe us but I just gotta know that you're okay in there"Scott says I hand stiles Alex

"Let me talk to her"i told Scott he nods

"Hayden it's me jade....listen I know how you feel you feel like you can't trust anyone or that they'll think you're crazy or maybe that they won't believe you but if anything these guys here you can trust trust me it'd be really nice if I could see you're face too"I said the door unlocks and the door opens slowly and there Hayden stood eyes glowing beta yellow

"I believe you"she says

"Holy..."liam Scott and stiles cut me off

"Jade!"they exclaimed covering the kids ears
"Are you sure you have to go?" Scott asked as he held onto me I smiled into his shoulder breathing in his scent

"It's just for a day Scott I'll be back tomorrow"I said he nods pulling away only enough to tuck my hair behind my ear I kissed his palm

"Take Care of the kids for me"he says I nodded

"Always"I said he pulls me into a kiss my hands held onto his wrists I grabbed his shirt pulling him closer into me as he deepens the kiss I pulled away my eyes opening

"Love you" he calls out to me once I reached the car I opened the door

"Love you too" I told him before getting in he goes inside the school

"Keep the pack safe for me alright" I yelled out to him he gives me a thumbs up I looked into the backseat the twins were asleep I then drove away heading towards mexico araya calavera here i come
It was morning by the time I reached the club I sighed grabbing the strollers putting the twins in before making my way to the door

"Hola" I said smiling at the guards they both smirked

"Welcome home cheetah" one of them said opening the door I walked inside

"Its good to be home" I said I walked through a door before seeing severo

"Jade?"He asked jumping up I smiled

"Where's araya?" I asked him he sighs

"Follow me"he says he leads me down a hallway and to another room where I found araya sitting down Chris and her looking over a map

"No kids allowed you know the rules"a hunter says araya and Chris heads snapped up I pushed the hunter back a growl leaving my lips as my eyes glowed

"Jade?what's wrong?" Chris asked

"We need to talk...all three of us"

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