mother instinct

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"Sheriff I have a call into my lawyer if you need to take me into custody I'm happy to surrender myself" I hear my Yukimura tell the Sheriff as I walked to the station

"This is what you're gonna go with?this is your story?" Sheriff asked

"Unless you're prepared to tell a different one" I told him they all looked at me I rushed to kira hugging her

"How are you?" She asked me

"I...when I was only a year old my mom was in a car wreck when she was in labor with Lydia...I rolled down the hill hit my head on a rock....I had permanent memory loss....and apparently I'm a wild kitsune....sheriff never looked for my body assumed I was no I'm not doing fine" I told her she hugs me tighter

"I'm so sorry"she says I pulled away just as the door opened

"Jade?" Scott called out I jumped up rushing to him he hugs me tightly

"Argent called he explained everything" he says his face in my hair he pulls away hands on my face

"Are you okay?" He asked me I nodded

"Yeah...I guess...I really don't know" I said he nods I pulled away

"Hey you should talk to her" I told him he nods he cups my face before kissing me I kissed back immediately wrapping my arms around his neck his hands slide around my waist pulling me closer I pulled away opening my eyes he walks towards kira taking a seat beside her
Scott comes outside I get on his bike behind him he drives off once we made it to the house Scott walks past the others

"Hey is kira okay?Scott?" Theo asked he goes straight for Corey

"No Scott don't!" Stiles says I blocked their way keeping them from moving any further

"Don't get too close"Lydia tells them I dropped my arms

"What is he doing?" Theo asked

"Tapping into his memories it's usually only something alphas do"i said

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?" Theo asked

"Probably more" Lydia says

"Does anyone know if it's working? "He asked I sighed

"You've got a lot of questions" I said just as Corey started talking

"No no!no no!" He yelled

"Is he okay?" Theo asked just as Scott gasps pulling away falling back into me I pulled him up right

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey asked

"You'll be alright" I told the kid

"There's blood" Corey says

"You'll heal" I insisted

"Scott...." Scott cut stiles off

"He'll be fine!listen I think it worked I saw something there were tunnels pipes along the walls there were these huge blue pipes at the entrance"Scott explained

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