Chapter #3: Girls bullies or best friends

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Last night I couldn't none how fall asleep especially not after what Steve told me yesterday. About how Leon deserve to know the truth about my bullies. I already know that this day will be horrible. I take my staff and get myself ready for the hell called school. But before I exited the house I got message, so I quickly look on my mobile phone and see that it was from Steve. The message said: "Good luck princess <3." Well I got to say that he knows what to say in right time. "Tnx" I replied and put my phone in the bag.

I slowly started to walk towards the school thinking what should I say to Leon. Maybe: ”Hey Leon, have a moment I would like to talk to you" oh crap not that he'll think that I am trying something again. I should probably started like: "Sup Leon I just wanna tell you that I am sorry about yesterday, but bullies make me do that." That won't work either. And how am I supposed to come to him with all his fans in my way?

Speaking of the devil or my bullies who just past me by Claire saying: "You are seriously talking to yourself, you are so weird." Other two girls by her sides just started to laugh. Well it's look like the hell already began. When I entered the Resident Evil part everyone was giving me evil eye. Including Leon for what happened. He was right to be mad it's "my" fault after all.

'Come on Clara everything will be just fine. Try talking to him when the class ends.' Passing the hallway in this moment was so embarrassing and scary but I finally made my way to the classroom. Some time past and the rest of the students come in the classroom including Leon. And just like last time he was in the middle of attention. "You won't give him your attention?"Ask Ada ready for another trick.

"What do you want now?" I ask irritated. "Chill girl, we just wanna have fun with you." Said Jill. She is telling me to chill when in reality she should stop picking at me. "Yesterday was so funny. Don't ya think?" Said Claire while laughing. "Hmm.... Let's see what you should do now?" All three started thinking, making me wanna run away and never come in this school again. After some thinking they got a idea. I mean Claire got an idea because she is their boss so yea, she said: "Maybe you should steal his phone it's right on his desk." "Steal his phone! Are you crazy?" I look at her in shock. On that she just give an evil eye and Ada said: "If you don't do that we'll..." I cut her off "You'll do what" "We'll do something that you won't know what hit ya. So you better be careful what you chose."

Crap they again put me in the conner. What now? I don't wanna steal his phone it looks way to expensive. But maybe if I steal it and give to the bullies it won't be my fault, but still that's wrong. "I decade." I said with cold in my voice. "Soooo~" the girls where really interested to hear my answer. "No." "No?" they look surprised at me. "No I won't do it. Do it yourself if you like his phone that much!" I said with anger. "Well fine." Jill said with the smile.

After some studies it was finally time for lunch brake. Leon was again in the middle of attention and his phone was on the desk. Everything was fine until I saw Jill around his desk a minute later his phone wasn't at his desk anymore.

It looks like they where serious about stealing his phone. But then this happened. Ada come around my desk and hand me his phone. "You really are crazy! Why are you giving this to me?" I said while pushing her hand with phone away. "Chill I just wanted to see who has the bigger phone, I'll give it back don't worry he won't know." Ada said smiling when she saw that his phone was bigger. And here comes the trouble. "Oh Leon. Can you come here quickly?" She called for him. "Shit." I said giving her the phone but she didn't want to take it.

Less than the second he was at my desk. "Sup, Ada." he said while smiling. "This girl try to steal your phone and sell it. But luckily I stop her on the time." She said while giving Leon the phone. "Leon I really..." I try to say something but he brake me saying this: "I don't wanna hear it! First the thing yesterday and than this! I thought that you where better! And that maybe we could be friends! But guess not! This is to much I am going to the principal for this to see what he have to say!"

"B-b but Leon..." when I try to say something he was already gone. "Well we warn ya didn't we." Said Claire happily. "Looks like student minus." Jill said with evil smile. "Good job Ada. Now we just wait for you to be gone." Claire said with cold voice. "We'll see that yet!" I scream angrily at them. After that I quickly run to catch Leon. Leon wasn't to far from the office. "Leon please let me explain." He just ignored me and continued walking. Until I pull him by his lather jacket. "What do you want!" He said angrily. "I want to explain it to you." "Well I don't won't to listen, you have done enough!" He was angry but he had to listen to me. And I should at least tell him. "I am sorry for the yesterday and for your phone today but it wasn't me.!" "So you wanna say that someone else did it!? Blaming someone of your friends aren't you!?" He was just so stubborn to listen.

"No, bullies, those girls made me do it. I am sorry." I really was, but he didn't saw that. "You are just jealous because there are popular and you are not!" That was it. The moment that broke me. My heart was broken. The tears started rolling down my face. Because my heart wanted to forgive him for saying that but my brain wanted to continue to fight with him. I fall on the floor with my head down and my right hand on my heart. Tears didn't want to stop coming. On Leon's face everyone could see it wasn't anger anymore, it was sadness and fear.

He bent down putting his phone in the pocket and pulling me closer to him. Little by little he was hugging me and rubbing my back. I hug him back and continue to sob in his shoulder. "Ok. What do you want me to do?" He said not anymore in angry voice but in low voice how could only I hear him. "I... I want... you... you to... forgive me... I didn't want to slap you yesterday and steal or even sell your phone the bullies made me to. Please you have to believe me. If you want me out of this school just go to the principal, but... I... I just wanted you to know this." I started to cry even more. "I won't tell you to the principal. Because I don't won't you out. But you should have told me." He said now smiling at me I couldn't help but to smile back.

"Maybe you could tell those girls who are bulling me to the principal, instead of telling me." I say still smiling. "You are right, we both could tell them to the principal." He smiled and help me get up. After we tell them to the principal the girls where called in his office. As I heard the girls weren't expelled, but just get a punishment so that they can't go to school two weeks. In those two weeks Leon was helping me boost up my reputation, and not long after I was popular just like him.

Two weeks past and the girls where back to school. They were still popular and try to make fun of me but Leon help me to ignore them. So they couldn't do nothing to me. And I think they got bored or something because after few days they come to my desk. I was already about to call for Leon, but than Claire said: "You have no need for that." "And why is that?" I ask her ready to hear her answer. "We would like to say that we are sorry for bulling you." Ada said in low voice. That surprise me the most. First they bullied me and now this. "And we wanted to ask you if you would like to hang out with us.?" Jill said. "Only if you guys stop bulling me." I said while smiling at them. They smile too and nod. "Btw I heard that they will teach us about guns and staff." Said Claire while letting me know that she can help me about it. "Let us met you with some of our friends." "Yea, and I can already see a beautiful friendship between us." Girls said and started to lead me towards bigger group of girls. And like that I met Rebecca, Heather, Sheva, and many of them.

After school when I was telling everything to Steve he couldn't believe that I befriend bullies. "I knew that I can get through this but not like that." "OMG Clara you are genius." He said than pick me up in the sky and started spinning me around. I was laughing and I knew that in the end everything will be just fine.

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