1-Kane Dashwind

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I am Kane Dashwind from the Kingdom of Neril, once a well known Knight from King Venreil's side. His power, his wealth and his colleagues blinded him completely.
As soon as he was influenced, he began to abuse his people, his family, his children. As soon as his diseased mind began to worsen, he waged war against my homeland, for no reason.

I may be the kings favored knight, I may be his knight alongside, but I have my right to speak up.
I tried to reason out with Venreil, I tried speak up for everyone's sake. He said I was a disgrace, he threw me into the dungeon.
First vow of the King's Knight: Thou shall never question the king.

And I disobeyed the first Knight's vow. As soon as I set forth a new life, I still hear news from Venreil. He grew worse. Extremely worse. I encountered people that fled from the Kingdom, Taura, the kingdom Venreil has hold of. Venreil began to execute people, he grew bloody. He began to take in women for his own entertainment. This isn't the Venreil that I used know.
We were once friends, a captain in our unit, he was a great leader. Now he grew blind.

Here I am now in the Land of the Withered. Living in a small town, in the inn called "Dire Pony". I became broke, lost and I still pursue a life with no more purpose.

"Dashwind! Where's the gold you owe me?!" Dagg pulled me down the floor. He was always here in this tavern.
I replied "You'll get it soon Dagg. I promise"
Dagg growled and pulled me closer "You said that the last time, boy!" He tossed be back to the ground.
"I'm sure you'll get it by next month!" I pleaded.
"Get 'im lads!" His henchmen gathered picking-up some clubs and some bottles to give me some beating.
"I'm sure we can settle this peacefully." I said.
"No. Its too late now Dashwind!" They all charged at me in a single file.
"I'm sorry Dagg. I didn't wanna do this to you laddys." I smacked Dagg's ears and left him in a daze and went for a left jab straight to his face, followed by disarming him. "Enough Dagg!" I angered. He only cared for the money I owed him. He was very impatient.
"Enough?" He panted heavily "I've saved your life once! And you tell me, enough?"
I replied  "I never asked for your help!"
His men tried to move forward but I threw my dagger an inch away from  one of the henchmen's feet.
"Want another good 'ol bar fight, Dagg?" I taunted him
"I'll let you slip for now, Dashwind." He slowly walked out of the tavern.

I got back to my seat and enjoy my drink.
Then I caught an interesting conversation behind me.
They were talking about the kings abusive Reign over
the kingdom, Taura. The King was about to take territory from farther lands; means he was going to wage war once more with the other kingdoms.

I got back to my inn. And tried to rest. "Tried" was the word. I fell asleep and had a dream, the time Venreil murdured my family for no reason. And I suddenly awoke. "I won't let this be left unresolved." I got dressed and a man knocked on my door "Sire Dashwind! A letter was sent forth for you"
I opened the door and took the letter immediately and locked him out. He said sarcastically "Your welcome?"
I ignored him and read the letter instead.

Greetings, Kane Dashwind               

I shall reign over the lands once more, gain full control over the continent. Unless you want to come back as my Paladin, I'd be obliged. But you just ruined  a vow. See the world as you see fit perish. Thy pain will be brought upon you. A riddle for my fellow Dashing Wind.

The Wind Dashes
They strike within a few flashes
You shall be nothing but ashes.

I crumpled the paper. What is this? I asked myself
Then I heard the man who brought me the letter call out to me "Sire! The Answer to your riddle is Assassins. The king is out to kill you Sire."
"Thanks for the warning" I replied.

Its time I get back my revenge on Venreil. The worst enemy you could face is a friend. His head is on the line, and so is mine.

Once again, I am Kane Dashwind.
                                        This is
                               The Knight's Will

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