3-The Black Dragon

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The Black Dragon Kushala stared at me with rage, smoke blew out of his nostrils. The dragon took a step forth, winds whirling around us each step. The dragon stood on his two hind legs and roared proudly, along with a few sparks of black flame. He locked his eyes on me with flames beginning to bore from his mouth, I raised my shield as he bursted his flames onto me. My shield got scorched quickly from his black flames, followed by pounding his claws onto my shield, leaving it shattered.

I stood my ground only left with my sword, we stared each other down. I knew I couldn't triumph over this demonic beast of the 'Bewildered Plains.'
I was beginning to feel doubtful, until he bore flames once more, until I heard a loud shriek coming our way hitting the dragon on the head with a 'Whistle Dart' leaving the beast dazed from the loud bang. I took my chance to run until a Griffon swooped down, then I mounted onto its back, taking off. There was a hooded rider with a bow and arrow on his back. "I thank you, kind sir!" I said as the winds blew on my face.

"Don't call me 'Sir'."
The mysterious man pulled down his hood, revealing his face with a smile. To my surprize I gasped as I realized it was my cousin, 'Dimitri Pius' from the 'Kingdom of Vestat.'  "Ahhh, Kane my cousin! How long as it been since I last saw thee?" He chuckled lively. I replied "12 years, Dimitri...12." I sighed.
Dimitri whistled and called-on the griffon "Berea, set us down!" The griffon descended onto the ground with a soft thump to the ground.

Dimitri got unmounted and so did I. Dimitri pat my shoulder "How is my beloved nephew, Callis?" He had a wide smile. My face became pale, felt another ache in my chest and looked down shaking my head "He's dead..Venreil waged war on us, killing my family."
I said as a tear rolled down my face. Dimitri tightly gripped his knuckles "We shall avenge our family"
Dimitri punched me on the shoulder "I told you not to join!" The mood suddenly changed as he chuckled.

Dimitri reached into a satchel pulling out a mackarel and fed it to his griffon, Berea. "What's new, Dimitri?" I asked. He placed his hand on his chest and said "Dragon Scale, a band of assassins on the move everyday" He drew out his bow and launched out a Whistle Dart once more with a loud bang in the air.
"Never heard of it, Pius. But I hope you're onto something good." I chuckled lightly. I suddenly felt a cold breeze brush against my skin, I had the instinct to turn around. "Calm down, Kane. They're with me." Dimitri stopped me from drawing my sword. A bunch of men in cloaks, well-armed with bows and arrows and a sword aside. "You called us, captain?" One of the men knelt down infront of Dimitri with his hand on his chest. Dimitri looked down on him "Stand up. Do not kneel down to me, I am just a person like you." The scout stood up "Aye Dimitri! But, what may we do for thee?" The scout asked. Dimitri glanced at my direction for a second "You won't take orders from me. We will take orders from Kane Dashwind!" Dimitri drew out his sword in pride.

I stepped forward "We shall take down the King, Venreil Bolt! The one who slaughtered innocent beings! THE ONE WHO KILLED OUR FAMILIES! The one who we shall take revenge upon!" I drew out my sword and raised it in the air proudly. The men followed the same gesture.

Dimitri looked at me "You gained their trust that quick, you really are a great captain. No wonder Venreil favoured you!" He laughed, patting my shoulder.
"Before we go on this quest, I must find a special friend of mine. You all go ahead, I'll meet you all at 'Black Waters' land of the thieves. One friend for that much risk? Bollocks..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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