First Base

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Amelia's P.O.V.

I walked into the office with a bandage on my arm and a loose t-shirt on. Derek glanced at me as I walked to my desk.

"Aren't you supposed to be on house arrest?" He asked.

"I can come into the office. I'm just not allowed to go out into the field. I'll be here for the next few weeks while you get to fly around and deal with murderers." I explained.

"I'm sure you can go. You just won't be allowed to go out when we have to." Spencer said as he sat down at his desk.

"Nice tie, Pretty Boy. Plan on walking around like that?" Derek questioned.

Spencer's tie was stained red with what I assumed was my blood. I smiled before I opened a drawer in my desk and pulled out a present. Spencer looked at me when I set it on his desk.

"It was supposed to be your birthday present, but it seems you need it." I smiled.

He opened it rather slowly, and a bright smile lit up his face as he lifted a tie out of the box.


"Are you tired, Amelia?"

"Hm? Oh. No. I'm not tired. My arm just hurts."

Derek, David, Penelope, and Spencer were playing poker to pass the time of the flight. I was trying to fall asleep even though I wasn't tired only because my arm was throbbing. I looked at Spencer when he placed a bottle of coke and two pills on the table.

"You didn't take your pills before the flight like I told you to. I brought the bottle for you." He explained.

"Thanks, Spence." I mumbled as I took the pills and coke.

I popped the pills into my mouth, and I took a long swig of coke to chase them down. Spencer took the coke bottle without hesitation and drank it himself.

"You two are like a married couple." Penelope giggled.

I hummed and laid my head on Spencer's shoulder. His hand automatically went to my leg like it always did when I sat beside him, and I hooked my arm around his as I closed my eyes.

"Dammit." David hissed.

"I don't know why you keep playing with him. You know he's going to win. He grew up in Las Vegas." I muttered, not even bothering to open my eyes.

Spencer ran his hand up and down my leg to try and lull me to sleep. I smiled slightly as he kissed the top of my head. I looked at him to see his mesmerizing smile.

"Come here, Spence." I mumbled.

I reached up and pulled his face closer to mine. Penelope lost her mind when I kissed him. Spencer placed his hand on my neck as the kiss dragged on. I smiled when I broke the kiss.

"How was that, Pretty Boy?" Derek chuckled.

Spencer didn't answer him. He stared at me, and a spark of lust lit up his eyes.

"I'm done playing." He stated.

I giggled as he suddenly got to his feet, picking me up and carrying me to the only couch that was on the plane. He had to kiss me to get me to be quiet as we plopped down on the couch, me laying on top of him.

"Don't make too much noise!" Penelope cheered.

Spencer chuckled as I buried my face in his chest.


"I've told you already, Amelia. You're staying here with Penelope. You're injured."

"Spencer can't go alone!"

"You know you're supposed to put your feelings aside!"

"This isn't about my feelings, Hotch! I'm not letting you send my partner out alone with nothing more than a bullet proof vest and a pistol!"

Hotch glared holes into me. I had my arm in a sling to prevent myself from hurting my arm anymore than I already had this week.

"Amelia, I know you don't like it, but it has to happen." Hotch said.

"No, it doesn't. You can send Morgan. It doesn't have to be him." I started crying, and I wiped away my tears as best I could. "You can't send him."

I jumped when someone touched my shoulders. I turned around to see Spencer.

"He can't." I croaked.

"Everything will be fine."

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