Just some chick^-^

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"Im not telling you anything!"i said "Ohh okay sure."hanna said raising her left eyebrow "hanna we didnt do anything,we JUST kissed and then his roommate came home with some blonde fake chick ...hahaha"i stated overdramaticly throwing my arms in the air and lying back on my bed "HEY Emma im not some fake blonde chick"Hanna screamed throwing a pillow at me "well I'm angry with you,you and kai could've stayed out like an hour more gawsh"I say turning away from hanna faking obviously "aww Emma im sowy.... huh"she stops as the door flys open "guys dinner I've been calling you for like twenty minutes!"Kai yelled "pfft,hahaha"both me and  hanna started laughing in unison on the account of Kai having flour and herbs all over his face "urgh Girls I'll eat your food" Kai shouted running down the hall,hanna and I both look at each other sternly than chased after him screaming from his threat.

"Jason what if someone sees us?"I ask as he leads me to the rooftop patio of our on campus house
"Emma it's like half two in the morning nobody's going to be awake"Jason says opening the door to a sea of stars and fairylights
"oh wow this is beautiful"I say looking up towards the sky"hmm yeah the stars are great too I guess but...I think you're better than any star"Jason says blushing ^to be honest he never was great with emotions...well neither am I, but I think it's one of the reasons we're drawn together^ "Urgh would you stop"I say looking down at my feet ^urgh why does he keep making me blush it really annoys me^ "hahaha Emma look at me" "huh"I obey in confuesion,he grabs my waist and pulls me close then kisses my nose "hey no fair,you're a damn giant you can't just kiss my nose if I can't spontaneously do that two"I say getting all flustered "hmm so you want me to walk around on my knees so you can reach my nose haha"Jason states sarcastically "hey I know one thing that'll hit your nose"I say playfully taking a swing at his face,but he grabs my arm and spins me around so my backs facing him and says "tut tut that never works" ^why does this keep happening.^

Okay so this is my first-ish time writing I personally don't think I'm very good but I decided that since I'm going back to school after being home educated for three years I should practice so yeah tell me what you think.I might do a chapter about all there backgrounds next .x bye  ---i did but i put it first.


It might be a while 'till I update since I have to keep up with my urgh life ....I vote we all stop our jobs and education and just sleep
(This message was from a VERY sleep deprived me like I want to sleep at fou..ZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzz)

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