No.1 Unexpected And Unwanted

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~ chests/heart glow when you encounter your soulmate, doesn't always happen at first encounters. ~


"Third wheeling for the third year in a row I should get a meddle."

I said as I watched my friend Danny kiss her boyfriend on the cheek' she turned and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Oh shut up Kara, your just jealous it happened so early for us."

"I am jealous Danny that is why I said it." She laughed, "No no I don't mind really I'm okay with waiting, only seventeen after all, you two continue being cute."

"Cute isn't what I would call it." A harsh voice snapped from behind me and I sighed in boredom.

"What do you want?" I asked my voice dull, she tried to torment me at any chance she got.

"Whatever I ask for." She snapped

"Go ask someone else then."

"Oh don't speak to me like that."

"Your the one who initiated the conversation Sam." I spat back not even bothering to turn my head, suddenly I felt a pull on my hood and was thrown to the floor of the yard, small scratches appearing over my hands as the gravel dug into my palms.
I scrambled up my short dirty blonde hair getting in my eyes, I brushed it away to find myself face-to-face with her piercing blue eyes.

"Can handle a little fall Kara darling?"

"Don't call me darling."

"I can call you whatever I want." She pushed me back again and again I landed on the floor, I heard a shout coming from Danny and Watson but I just waved them away. They knew what I was telling them, no bother fighting Sam cause they will get hurt or it will just give her another excuse to hit me.

"Yeah call of your lovebird friends." She kicked me in the stomach and I groaned.

"A reminder to not backchat me." She walked of and Danny and Watson ran over to help me up.

"I hate you not letting us step in." Watson exclaimed.

"And I hate getting hit, so just stay out of it okay." I snapped back, he looked a little hurt at that remark, "Sorry, look guys thanks and all but I think I'll just take the rest of the day off." I went to pick up my old black backpack, which contained nothing but a couple of books and pens.

"Kara you can't just keep skipping school." Danny insisted.

"Watch me." I snuck round the back of the building where the teachers couldn't see me and hopped over the low fence which stops nothing but two year olds from getting in or out and headed home.

It's not that I get upset from the fights I just get real bored of it.

As I walked my mind drifted to meeting my soulmate, it's seen as the biggest moment of your life. My friends hearts connected three years ago when they were only fourteen, my parents younger when they were seven and my brother met his girlfriend (now wife) when she was twenty-two and he was twenty- four.
And yet I still have no one.
It doesn't upset me but I still wonder who they are going to be, or if I even meet them. Maybe I'll die never meeting my soulmate, or maybe they already met there's. That happens sometimes, you can have a soulmate but your soulmate isn't yours back, it's been known to break people's heart but it's very rare.

I arrived home, hoped over the fence, unlocked my back door and went to my room. I'll see my family later tonight and tell them the usual "good day, lots of homework" excuse before putting in headphones and ignoring everything or maybe I'll go out in the night to some isolated place, climb a tree you never really know but for now I'll just read.


I was at school again after missing a few days and it was the next week now and we were out in the field in the rain doing football.
I wasn't bad exactly but defiantly wasn't the best.

"KARA! PASS!" Yelled Jane as I turned to face her and just as I had kicked it in her direction I suddenly had a face full of mud as someone shoved me straight onto the ground.

Now who has a tendency to put me on the ground, three guesses to win I thought to myself.

"Hay get up, you mi-!" I cut her off by putting my hand up.

I couldn't handle it anymore, boredom and the cold and the mud all mixed together to form white hot rage. I got to my feet slowly without looking at her.

"Look I-" just as Sam started to speak I cut her off by spinning round and kicking her straight into the mud.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME ANYTHING!" I screamed at her, the game stopped and everyone was staring at the two of us covered in mud.

"You do not get to torment me for no reason day after day and think I'll just take it, well guess what I'm too fucking tired to put up with the likes of you anymore."

I spun round and stormed off into the changing rooms just as the coach called the end to our match because the downpour was coming on to fast and heavy. Girls ran past me as my walk slowed when I heard a shout:

"HAY!" Someone lightly pulled my arm and I turned to find Sam looking at me.

"What do you want now?" I snapped,

"I... I just wanted to say I haven't seen you round school these past few days and I didn't know... I just wanted... Look before I was just gonna say I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you over there I didn't want you to get muddy or cold."

I froze, "Yeah well I am... I... Oh never mind why would you care if I was off school anyway." Then I turned round and headed inside.

I stood in the showers letting the hot water warm me up, until I couldn't hear the chatter of girls in the locker room anymore then I shut off the shower got dried, put on my underclothes and pants before realising I didn't have a shirt, "Shit." I cursed silently, there was one other person in the locker room but they were still in the shower as well so I walked out to my locker trying to find my shirt before realising it was in my bag, which I had left by the shower of course.

I headed back over and bent down to pick up my bag just as I heard the other shower turn off, I stood up and was just about to put on my shirt but paused when I saw I was facing Sam in the same situation as I was.

"Sam I can't be bothered right now."

"Look all it is is that I was worried something happened to you these past days and it really made me realise that I shouldn't be so much of a bitch to you."

Stunned and taken aback I was at a loss for words, "I..."

"I'm sorry... I really am and I know that won't make up for months of my behaviour but I'm sorry and I want to make it up to you."

"A few days changed your entire perspective on things."

"I... I'm sorry."

"Yeah you've-..." Yeah you've said, was meant to be my sentence but as I looked to the floor I felt a strange burning sensation and my eyes shot up to look at Sam and I saw what I feared, both our chests glowed.

And we seemed to only have one thought in mind:

"oh fUCK!"

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