The School

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Oh! Wonderful! I have to back to that filthy dreadful place! Just flipping fantastic! I flapped my wings hard and headed straight towards The School.
Of course there were Shadows chasing me, they always do. It's a never ending process of my life. I threw a bomb behind myself and flesh and blood sprang when it exploded. Gun shots fired behind me. I turned around fast and my hand glowed, freezing each and every Shadow that followed behind me. Then I kept flying.
So, you're probably all wonder, hey?, why is Ava going to the school? What is this mysterious school? Is it a regular public School? First off, I'm going to the school because my dad is about to abuse a little girl, just like he abused me. Second off, "this mysterious School" is a place where my "dad" works, he's the one that experimented on me. Third, not even close to a public school, he holds animals and humans he wants to experiment on. But why am I going after one person? Because there's no children, she is the only young there. I've heard most of the adults and animals make it out alive. If you saw my backstory, needles, electricity, wires to the head. I have a fear of needles now. I reached the school, it stood some thousand feet high. About 12 stories. I made a disgusted face at the site of The School. I sighed.
"Hello nightmare"

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