To Avalor

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After... Well... Cutting most of my hair off and dying it to navy blue I needed to get out. Isolating myself was not a good idea so why not see my friend Amara. Since I didn't want to ride the train from Arianna to Avalor, I decided to fly and do allot of teleportation. I knew Amara would be greatly happy to see me since we were the best of friends. She was... Like a very old sister or a grandma.
Amara was gardening, she had a smile on her face. Once she rooted and cleaned off a fruit or vegetable, she would put it into a weaved basket and then replant new seeds. Amara was short, she was 4'1. Amara was born without parents, so to be told; it turns out she didn't just have healing as a power either, she had fire and nature.
I snuck up behind Amara with a grin " Hello Amara. "
Amara turned slowly, her green eyes lighting up as she saw me. I opened up my arms and she ran into them, hugging me and tightly as I returned it. Another word to describe Amara was a mother. How? Well... She cooked, cleaned, gave the best gifts. Oh yes, and her cooking was the BEST.
" I am so happy to see you! " Amara said with the brightest smile on her face and I nodded to her.
" Can I stay here for a few days..? " I asked, gulping for a yes. 99.9% chances were that was gonna be a yes.
" Of course! " Amara sprang up. " Oh Oh! I'll get tea and your bedroom prepped for you! " Amara ran off happily.
I sighed happily as I watched Amara run. Sometimes... I feel like this place was where I was supposed to be.

Guardians: the sister and the grandma, book 4Where stories live. Discover now