The Sister

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"Fiona is your little sister!" My dad shouted.
I looked under my wing at the little girl, known as Fiona, shaking and I pointed at her. My dad nodded at me as I pointed at her. That's what enraged me. He was hurting a piece of my family. And that's when it hit me.
"So that's where mom went! she came here because you two tried again! I'm assuming you failed..." I looked at him angry like.
"Well, of course. I took her child again" Lee grinned.
"See, this is why I hate you" I growled.
"Aww, well, I can't help but love my daughter" he still grinned.
I shook my head and left quickly. He hurt my little sister, who was probably no younger then four or five years of age, really?
I flew back to my home in California. Her underneath my wing was a bit harder to fly, but I managed. Fiona peaked her head out and glared at me, I didn't wanna stare back because I was focusing on getting home but I did.
"Thank you for saving me" she peeped.
I could tell she was tired. Through all that stress, depression, and anxiety, I would be too.
"Your welcome. Hush now child, go to sleep" I told Fiona.
And so, she did. And so, I kept flying in the deep dark night. It wasn't that dark, but it was hard to see trees and houses, but I still made them out. Later I landed at my house in California and I went upstairs. Fiona clung onto me as I carried her up the steps and I laid her down in the guest bedroom. I slowly tucked her to bed and grabbed a chair, sitting in it and watching over her as she slept. I later fell asleep when I thought everything was safe.
In the morning I made breakfast and coffee. I made sure the tables were clean and had clean plates on them. I made sure everything was clean, I had too, or I wouldn't be satisfied. I heard tiny footsteps come down the stairs and Fiona peaked her tiny head around the side of the staircase to see where she was, I would too if I were her.
"Good morning, Fiona, glad your awake" I smiled gently.
She smiled at me brightly, running and hugging my leg. I bent down and held her close.
"I'm glad your okay" I whispered.
She smiled at me, with a tiny brave face and her bright green eyes glittered. I smiled at her, looking into her tiny green eyes. She had my moms beautiful nature like eyes.
I heard footsteps and looked up, my husband Ghost came out, yawning. I smiled and walked over, kissing his temple on his forehead.
"Good morning" I whispered.
He smiled at me,  then looked down at Fiona. His face grew in anger.
"Who is this?" He rose his voice.
"this is my-" he interrupted.
"You adopted a kid without me? Really?" Anger rose in his face.
Fiona hid her face in my shoulder and shook. Ghost walked out the door and slammed it shut.
I sat down in the kitchen and put my hand over my eyes and cried. Fiona kept clung to me shaking.
"It's... Gonna be okay, it'll be okay..." Ava sighed.

Guardians: the sister and the grandma, book 4Where stories live. Discover now