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Unknown POV

It was windy.

The uncanny, pitch-black sky was void of the random speckles of light that were a common occurrence on the north side of town. However, this was not the north side of town. This was the south side. The side that no sane human-being would ever want to be caught dead in despite the fact it was commonly referred to as "Paradise" among the "interesting" locals. In reality, its name was a complete contradiction to what really went on there. Paradise was a crook's playground. Shady drug deals, transportation of ships filled with unmarked cargo, even the occasional "accidental" murder were amusing activities the natives of Paradise frequently participated in to pass the time... 

In a secluded alleyway an anxious man bundled up in a black trenchcoat briskly paces back and forth on the verge of a nervous breakdown. His hat, which matched his coat, covered his eyes, masking the droplets that threatened to flow out. He knew what was coming. The call he dreaded. The call he was waiting for. The call he had no choice but to answer or else he would be a dead man walking. 

Ring, ring, ring

He answered the ringing device, unprepared for the verbal lashing he knew was coming. 

"H-h-hello," he said apprehensively. 

"Dumb cabra, you really couldn't do the one simple thing I told you to do?" o diabo yelled his voice filled with obvious anger and frustration.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry. I-I d-didn't know!" 

"You had one job you monte de merda," the irate man began, "TO MAKE SURE NO ONE GETS IN THE WAY OF US. How the hell do you manage to fuck that up."

"F-f-forgive me, p-patrão," he begged.

"You have one last chance.. do you understand? IF YOU FUCK UP AGAIN SO HELP ME GOD I  MIGHT JUST BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT, GOT IT?"

"S-s-sim p-patrão, w-w-what would you like me to do?"

"Kill him. Kill the wolf," the o diabo snarled.


"Oh, and remember... If you fail me, I'll fail you. Didn't you and Isabella just welcome a new bundle of joy? Would be a pity if something were to happen to them," the deep voice chuckled.

Before distressed man could respond, the line went dead. 

April Parker

"Andrew..." I whispered making sure our charming guest wouldn't overhear our conversation, "close your mouth or you'll catch flies".

Getting up from the white, plush chair my cream-coloured red bottoms clacked as I made my way over to the other side of the room to greet the special guest. 

"Mr. Volkov," I said smiling as I outstretched my hand to shake his. 

"April," he replied with a playful smirk plastered on his face and hands still in his pockets, "I believe you know why I'm here".

"Of course," I answered swiftly moving my extended hand back to my side as an effort to save face.

'Rude much?'

Feeling a bit defeated I turned around and faced my lovely friends. One was fangirling over the adonis that had just entered the room, the other was just staring with a blank look etched on their face. Mustering up a smile I began to address them.

"Sofia, Andrew... Can you guys give Mr. Volkov and myself a moment alone, please?"

"Sure!" Andrew said with a bit too much enthusiasm. With a huge grin on his face, he looked at Sofia grabbed her arm and told her they were going to lunch. Sofia sighed as Andrew basically dragged her out of the room.

"Well..." I started turning to face the guest of honor, "How about we have a seat on the sofa and talk about my offer."

Grasping his wrist, I started to lead him over to the couch. As we got closer and closer to the couch, I realized something important. My couch... the couch in my office was white, leather, and expensive! No way in hell could I let him sit there with the dirty clothes he had been wearing for god knows how long! Abruptly I stopped walking. 

"On second thought," I began turning around to my potential business partner, "Let's go to my house..."

"Excuse me?" he said with a an amused on his face, "We didn't discuss anything and your already trying to fuck me? I didn't think you were such a... fast girl, Miss Parker."

"Wait w-what no! I didn't have anything like that in mind!" I stuttered, "It's just that I don't want the dirt from your clothes to rub off on my nice couch! And to be frank you smell like death. So we're going to get you cleaned up. Not to mention there won't be any rumping until you get a check up and sign your contract."

"Contract?" he questioned while looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"Don't worry about it right now. I'll fill you in later," I stated as I grabbed my purse and car keys, "For now, let's go".


Hey guys! I'm back. Sorry about the looooooooooooong wait! I kind of lost interest in writing for a while, but I'm ready to start again (and be more consistent this time around) :)! Anyway this was a shortish chapter, but this weekend I plan to publish a longer one (it's in the works)! Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed the story! Remember to add this story to your library, comment, and vote!

Oh! Also, I wonder who the strange person on the phone was... they seem a bit unfriendly? Why do they want to catch a wolf? Aren't wolves dangerous? 👀 What do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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