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Jess' POV

Dry leaves crunch beneath my feet as I step out of the car. Removing my pair of aviators, I take in my new school's appearance.

I still find all this hard to believe. This is really happening, huh?

Deep breaths.

I feel a hand come around my shoulders and hear a calm and composed voice.

"It's going to be fine. We are going to be fine." I turn to look at my best friend beside me, who's observing the place just like I did.

"Really?" A few moments later Jacko's head slowly turns towards me. My eyes lock onto his brown ones, searching them for assurance. Jacko just hums in response, looking down at me with his soft gaze.

Turning to look back at the school, I take a final deep breath. This is it.

"Let's do this." I smile at him, and he returns one of his own. Squeezing my shoulders, we start walking towards the school entrance.

Westmont High, here we come.

The high school is huge. Massive. The modern architecture of Westmont High puts even my previous school in Australia to shame. The beige-walled hallways are wide, with classroom doors on either side with rows of lockers between the doors. Students are loitering in the hallways, talking and laughing amongst each other. Nobody seems to notice the newcomers, which is a good thing for us I guess.

Turning a corner, I finally come to a halt as I realise that I don't have any clue about directions. Jacko seems to realise it too, as he stops and looks at me with confusion. I pull the phone out of my back pocket to ask about the directions when Jacko stops a girl passing by.

"Hey! Um, could you please tell us where the Principal's office is?" His thick Australian accent was evident in his voice, as the girl looks at him and me with curiosity. After a good few seconds, the brunette slowly speaks up.

"Um.... Yeah, sure. Do you want me to show you guys?" Her voice holds firmness and kindness, as she gives us a polite smile.

"If it's no bother...." I trail off, feeling unsure to ask for help. She just waves it off.

"Oh, no. It's no bother at all. But just give me a minute," She turns to look at someone behind her and called someone out.

"Cody!" A guy standing a few feet away in a group looks at the girl on hearing her voice and telling something to others rushes towards her.

"Lexy?" He looks at her and then glances at us. Hid eyebrows furrow, as he looks back at the girl, Lexy I guess, with a questioning look.

"They just needed help with finding Mr Bauer's office. So I'm gonna take them there, yeah?" The guy, Cody, looks at her with a sad look, but then sighs and nods, planting a kiss on her forehead. Smiling down at her, he mutters a "See you later" and offering us a smile, walks back to his group.

A Modern Fairytale | Jessriel FanFic | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now