Lisa, should I tell em?

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well, i have been updating, but not my other storiesss so I need to work on them after this chapter!

i think this one will be shorter, because it wont take much, but i dont know yet.

okay Carrots and Kitty's onto storyy!

cause this is gonna be where he tells the boys, and tells how he became a cat hybrid.

Nialls pov.

I woke up to the smell of Bacon and toast. 

I sat up in the bed and stretched out my arms and then legs, next, my tail, I scratched my cat ears and stood up, I need a shower. 

I walked over to the bathroom and stepped in, locking the door behind me, I stripped from my clothes and turned on the water, I stepped in the tub and let the hot water soak my body.

'I need to tell them already' I said to myself, I grabbed my tail and scrubbed it with my body wash and did the same to my cat ears, and washing the human parts of my body. I shampooed my hair, and rinsed it, I let the water soak on my skin, and I thought of ways to tell the boys.

I could say, "lads, I have something to tell you, please dont hate me" 

Nah, they would want to know the story,

but i need to tell em that too.

What Do I Dooo!

uh tie em to the bed! nah, thats gonna make em be scared of me.

I could ask Lisa? yeah, i will ask her.

I turned off the water and stepped out, pulling on the clean clothes I grabbed before showering.

I put on the beanie, and hid my ears, I pulled up my sweat pants, loose enough for my tail to move around without being noticed.

They were Liams.

I walked out pulling down my shirt when Lisa walked in, Perfect.

"Lisa, I need to ask you something" I said pulling Lisa to the bed, "yes Nialler?" she asked looking into my eyes, "uhm, should I tell the boys about my extra inhuman body parts, Liam knows, im not sure if Zayn knows" I whispered to her, "Niall, you really should though, Isnt it hard to keep that a secret from your best mates?" she said smiling "yes, but im scared they will be afraid of me" i said tears welling up in my eyes. "I know, but its better to try then to not do anything at all" Lisa said, she was so good at this. I nodded and stood up, walking with Lisa, I walked to Liam's room where all the boys were, I whispered at Liam to come here while Lisa told him what I was gonna do, He smiled and said "good job Niall, thats a good idea, im here for you" I nodded and walked over tp the lads Louis, Zayn, and Harry. Liam and Lisa sat next to me. Rubbing small circles on my back, "guys, i need to tell you something important" I said making them look up from there card game, "anything Niall" Zayn said. I sighed and went on, "well. uh, its not easy for me to say this, but I am a cat hybrid" I whispered loud enough for them to hear, the all paused and looked back up at me, I pulled off the beanie and slid my tail out from my pants, there eyes went wide and there breathing hitched. They would look at my cat ears, to my tail, to my eyes. "before you hate me, and think im a freak, this has an explination" I said before it got awkwarder, "my mum, me and my dad would go to this science convention every year, and we would look at the different species that the scientists created, and one year I was walking by myself to the bathroom and I was around 7 years old, and I went the wrong way, I went into the lab on accident and I didnt know what I was doing, I seen some Green liquid and I grabbed it, I put my finger in it and licked it, it tasted okay so I just chugged it, and that was when my mom found me and she sent me to the doctors, they all said I was fine but I wasnt, cause the next morning I woke up and I had ears, and a tail, and I noticed my eyes would change sometimes if Im feeling a strong emotion" I said looking them in the eyes, "Niall" Harry whispered, my eyes shot at his "YOU ARE SO ADORABLE" Louis shouted, as Zayn petted my ears, Harry just sat there in silence and shock, "you arnt freaked out?" I asked amazed they both shook there head no and continued inspecting my tail and ears, I looked at Harry still in silence, he didnt even look at me, he hated me now, he thought I was a freak, THE GUY I LOVE HATES ME, I felt my eyes change, I knew they would. Louis, Lisa, Zayn and Liam all gasped looking at my eyes, "they, are purple, whats that mean!!??!" Louis said poking my ear, "sad" Lisa said I looked at her and nodded, "why are you sad mate?" Zayn asked I looked at Harry and waved it off,  "thanks for understanding me, Im so happy you dont think im a freak" I said before walking out of the room.

I sat on my bed and sighed.

Harry hates me. he thinks im a freak! 



"AHHH" I screamed banging on the walls running around my room, throwing everything. 

I sat back on my bed and held my head. I didnt wanna be here. HARRY HATES ME.

"Niall?" I heard someone whisper, I looked up and seen the curly hair and green eyes that I love so much. "w-what?" I stuttered, "can I come in?" he asked looking down, "yes" I said scooting over on the bed so he can sit down.

"I know, I know you think me and Louis have something, and we dont" Harry said quikly as he sat down. "oh" I mumbled "and, i think you being a cat hybrid, is perfect, your adorable as it is" he said smiling "th-thanks" I whispered looking him in those eyes of his "why do you get all nervous around me?" he asked. 

"because. I like you. and i know you hate me and think im a freak, you think im ugly, stupid and fat and i know i am, im not worth your time, your perfect, the way you laugh and the way you smile and the way you make me laugh and maKE ME FEEL AND HOW MUCH i JUST WANT TO KISS YOU AND HUG YOU BUT I CANT CAUSE YOU DONT LIKE ME YOU NEVER WILL, AND I KNOW LOUIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND BUT HE GIVES YOU WHAT I CANT, A TAN,  PERFECT EYES, HE ISNT A FREAK I AM AND YOU HATE ME but I LOVE YOU" I said crying into my hands, I know I scared him off, I felt the bed go back to normal, he left, great, HE HATES ME EVEN MORE.

I felt warm hands touch my hands and pull them down from my face, feeling another hand wrap around my face and bring my head up, "Niall, I Like You, your perfect, your cat parts too, you laugh, your smile, your everything, your accent, I like you" Harry whispered bringing his face to mine, our forheads touching, I looked into his eyes as he gasped smiling "your eyes are green now" he whisperd, "that means what?" he asked not moving his face "Love" I whispered to him before he brought his lips to mine. 

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welll well well... he told them





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