Annie's revenge

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Does anyone else just listen to a song they used to always listen to and then remember the memories it held? It just happened me lol (it's the song above)

Anyway... story

Tony's POV

I throw my stuff on the hotel room bed and sit down, texting Jaiden. Before I can call her, the door swings open. I look up to see her, Annie.

'Annie?! What the hell are you doi-'
Annie puts her finger on my lips. 'Shush,' she hushes. I push her away. 'I'm supposed to be meeting Jaiden in a few minutes!' I spit and stand up. I push past her and walk away. Annie follows me. 'Stop...' I mutter. Annie continues to follow me.

She finally leaves when she sees me walking up to Jaiden. 'Hey!' I chirp. 'Hi!~' Jaiden says happily. We walk to James and (Y/n) holding hands. Who the hell knows where Annie has gotten to.

It's been a few months since Jaiden and I started dating, and even though it's soon I want to propose. I don't have a ring yet. Yet.

James's POV

(Y/n) and I  walk alone on a beach. We walk along the shore holding hands. The sea looks beautiful as the sun sets; almost as beautiful as her. I turn to face her.

'(Y/n), I love you so much, we started dating only four months ago (so long I know) but I know this is the time.' I bend down on one knee, but before I can pull out the box with an engagement ring inside, she falls to the ground, a gaping hole in her side.

My eyes widen. 'What happened?!' But the answer stands a few feet away; Annie.

She refilled her gun and aimed at me, walking closer. Her gun at my head, she grinned. 'You shall help me get Tony back, only then shall I return your precious (Y/n),' she spits and lowers her gun. She grabs a rock from the sea and whacks it against my head. I fell unconscious.

I dreamt about (Y/n), I dreamt about Annie killing her. It wasn't a dream, the blood stain in her white dress was real. It was a living nightmare.


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