"Gotcha." I mumble with a smirk seeing my brother and his little friends sitting around a fire outside of a huge building.

"What do we do next?" Ace asks

"We go find somewhere to sleep and plan everything tonight. Then we'll come back here tomorrow and finally get some answers." I mumble and Ace nods moving away from me and heading toward Shane. I look over at my brother again then push up to my feet.


Without any pre acknowledgment the bathroom door opens.

"Uh, hello?" I ask as Shane shuts it behind him and walks right on in.

"I am naked Shane." I hiss and he looks over at me

"You've got a towel on." He says turning away from me

"Ok and what if I hadn't?" I huff crossing my arms

"Then I would've seen you naked." He says and I glare as he grabs the first aid kit then turns back to face me.

"What happened?" I ask. In response he pulls his shirt over his head and I swallow forcing myself to not stare.

"Got cut." He says turning his back to me and looking in the mirror. I catch sight of the cut on his side wrapping around to his back.

"Shit." He mutters unable to fully reach it and I let out a sigh.

"Let me put clothes on then I'll get it. Just clean what you can for now." I say then leave the bathroom. I walk into my room and pull on some clothes then quickly head back to the bathroom. I walk in and let the door swing shut behind me.

"I'm gonna have to put rubbing alcohol on it." I say and he groans but nods me on. I hand him a cloth to bite down onto and he stuffs it in his mouth. I grab the rubbing alcohol and wet some cotton with it. Without saying anything I press it against his side and he lets out a shout into the cloth. I'm still mad at him so I selfishly let myself smirk as he curses. It quickly fades when I start to feel guilty and really bad for him though. I know this sucks.

"I'm almost done." I mumble sliding infront of him to finish cleaning the cut.

"There, that part's over." I say turning away and throwing the cloth out. I squat down and dig through the cabinets finally finding a thick gauze like thing of cloth. I walk back over to Shane and he drops the cloth from his mouth and puts it on the sink counter.

"Hold this side." I mumble and he does so. I wrap it the rest of the way around his body then fasten it.

"There." I mumble. I turn away to put everything up as he pulls a shirt back on then I turn to look back at him.

"Thank you."

"Sure." I respond feeling the anger come back. I don't even try to keep it hidden as I walk out of the bathroom and go back down the hall to my room. I walk inside and flop onto my bed like a two year old then groan into the comforter.

Fuck feelings...


"Nice of you to join us." Ace says as I come down the stairs later that night.

"I got hungry." I say sitting down beside him on the couch. He hands me over a big slice of greasy pepperoni pizza and I eat it right away. Shane looks over at me from the love seat but I just ignore him and continue to eat my pizza.

"So, are we gonna plan?" Ace asks looking over to Shane then back to me.

"All I know is that we are in their territory. For all we know, they already could know we're here. So surprising them and making it a quick in and out will have a big roll in this whole thing. We can't attack them yet because we don't know exactly what they have. We don't know the supernatural beings on their side."

"So you and Shane will go in and figure that portion out while I check on what they have outside." He says and I nod

"How are we going to do that without them noticing?" Shane asks

"We go at a time they're not there." I say as bluntly as possible.

"What, do you know their schedule?" He asks and I glare

"Tomorrow we go and just wait till they leave."

"And what if they don't leave?" He asks

"Then we'll cross that bridge when we come upon it." I spit and Ace looks between us with a low whistle.

"So right now what you're telling me, is that we are risking being spotted and found out, simply because we're going to sit ontop of a hill and wait for them to leave?"

"They'll leave." I grumble and Ace steps in this time

"Ok, but what if they don't leave Neveah? We can't just sit and watch the whole time." He says and I force my anger down.

"Look, we know they've got a thing with parties because that's where they can find more victims and widen their variety of whatever they are putting into transition."

"When is this party going to be though?" Ace asks and with that I flash. Perfect timing.

"There is a party tonight at 9:00, about ten minutes from where we saw them yesterday." I say and Ace raises and eyebrow while Shane just rolls his eyes.

"So we go over there at 8:20 just to be sure they've all left." I say and both boys nod.

"Fine." Shane says then stands up and leaves. I glare at his back then catch Ace staring at me.


"I hope whatever the hell you two are fighting about, will not get in the way of this."

"It won't." I mutter and he sighs but nods. I reach over him and grab the remote then flick on the TV.

"It won't." I tell myself blocking off Shane.


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