A (not so) Typical Day

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Driving as usual

Down the long

Empty highway,

Nothing but the

Split horizon ahead of me.

The sky the brightest blue

I've ever seen.

The wind blowing

Through my hair.

The trees along the highway

Vivid and full of life,

Not a care in the world.

I hear a ringing in my ear.

It's just the phone.

I answered.

I hear her say,

"You need to pull over,


I do.

She spoke.

The only words I heard were,

"He's dead".

The world around me

Slowly began to deteriorate.

The sky turned gray

Seeming like winter in the summertime.

My hands began to shake.

My heart palpitating.

Every thought in my mind

Had slowly begun to

Fade away.

Everything that had once seemed right

Was wrong.

What started off as a beautiful day

Turned into the

Worst day of my life.

He didn't die alone.

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