Chapter 4

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Phil's P.O.V
Today was the day I would meet my potential new flat mate I just hope I don't scare him away, I put on a red checked shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans and stick in my blue contacts then I put on my white converses and go out to work. I thought I could do work before meeting him as I head to the radio station I bump into Dan I look up and notice him blushing he says "Sorry." stammering and walks away more like runs, oh god he doesn't like me I wonder why now I am feeling even more nervous to meet my flat mate ugh! 😑 Today has gone horrible it is my unlucky day first Nathan my colleague spilled coffee all over me and then second I had to change into a bloody suit now my flat mate is going to think I'm overdressed, as I am coming out I see Dan walking in the same direction so I follow on a little bit behind him suddenly he walks to the coffee shop and sits outside waiting for somebody oh no I think Dan is my flat mate agghhhh.......
Hi guys what did you think of the cliffhanger? Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens -Jade 🙂
Sorry guys there has been a slight delay so tune in tomorrow for the chapter x -Jade 😊 Ps: I feel sick 🤢 ugh

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