Chapter 3: Old Friends and Snapping

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Edd quickly wiped at his eyes as he walked into his Advanced Calculus classroom.
He was the first one to enter the classroom, and sat at a desk in the front, taking out a pencil and paper for notes.
He soon heard chattering coming from the doorway and saw Naz, Rolf, and Jimmy walk in,
"Mornin' Ed' Boy!"
Rolf exclaimed, waving to Edd, who gave him a small smile.
Naz almost immediately rushed over to hug him tightly, exclaiming,
"I haven't seen you all summer Edd! Where have you been?"
Edd gently patted Naz's back, and said politely,
"I mostly remained home to help mother and father with chores and to study. No need to worry Naz."
Naz gave Edd a quick look of concern, then smiled slightly,
"I sure hope so. If you need anything, you know you can talk to me, right?"
Edd simply shrugged, saying softly,
"Thank you Naz... I will take that into consideration."
Just as he finished talking, the teacher walked into the classroom and began the daily lesson.
Naz sighed and made her way to an empty desk, wanting to protect Edd from whatever was hanging over his head.
Edd scribbled notes down, trying to distract himself from the onslaught of horrible words and phrases raging in his head.
Without realising it, until his wrist hit the table, his pencil had snapped in half, and the led had broken,
"Eddward...? Are you alright?"
The teacher asked worriedly, noticing the boy's thin shoulders starting to tremble.
Several pairs of eyes were on Edd, watching him with concern.
His eyes were filling with tears, and his vision blurred; his head was spinning and he felt like he was going to pass out,
"Edd... Edd..."
Edd faintly heard Naz's voice, before he felt the world getting darker, and blacked out.

Nobody Said it Would be Easy - (Kevedd Mpreg)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat