Chapter 5: Trying to Figure Out Kevin

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After the nurse excused Edd from the office, he headed down the hall in search of the confusing ginger,
'It was quite peculiar how Kevin was acting...'
Edd, so deep in thought, he didn't realize where he was walking, and bumped into someone,
"Watch where you're-"
Kevin's words were cut short when he saw how Edd's eyes widened in fear as he lye on the ground on his back from the force of bumping into him.
Kevin's voice softened just a bit, but he asked in a slightly frustrated tone,
"What are you doing dork...? You're acting strange."
Edd's eyes narrowed a bit, and he tried to sit up,
"Excuse me Kevin...! But YOU are the one with peculiar actions! First you have your posse of football players berate me, then I see you in the nurse's office and you are so delicate and caring with me. It is all so confusing!!! I cannot comprehend-"
Edd was cut off when Kevin captured his lips with his own, chapped, but sweet lips; slightly gripping the soft, black strands that were at the nape of his neck.
When Kevin pulled away, he chuckled a bit when he saw shock, shyness, and confusion all over Edd's face.
The smaller boy's cheeks were crimson red, his lips a bit swollen, and his eyes wide as saucers,
"Party, 9 o'clock, Naz's house. Be there."
Kevin said with a smirk and a twinkle in his forest green eyes, poking Edd's nose, before walking away, down the hall, and disappearing around the corner.
Edd finally blinked, trying to process everything that had just happened. His mind spun in a haze of when, wheres, and whys? All he thought he knew was... If he wanted to figure Kevin out, he was going to have to go to Naz's party and determine the true meaning of his actions... Oh boy!

The next chapter will be the party,! LOTS of drama will be happening. There will be sex involved, so be prepared, even if it is crappy writing. Hope you all are excited!

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