The Coward and the Failure

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I let myself be treated this way.
I allow it and stay quiet.
Even when they ask me if I am okay.
I am tired.
I remain silent.
I will deny it.
For you. For you. For you.

They all buy it.

Do I have to cry?
Did I reach the conversation quota?
Do I have to nag about it to make it clear?
Oh no,
I have vented too much about this.

I have made excuses for you.
In the past.
Even now,
I still do.

A year later,
After many screams.,
Everyone knows,
We don't talk.
But I am still that girl.
And you are still that girl.
We are now associated.

To them all I am now is that girl who violated you.

What they don't know is that
I am actually that girl controlled by you.

Whether we want it or not.
When people think of you, of me.
They see us.
One picture.
A toxic friendship.

The Coward and The Failure.

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