1- "The Correct Term is 'How Are You Today, Sir?'."

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Josh Dun, the biggest actor of his time, trudged behind his manager Ashley Frangipane as she rambled about how proud she was of Josh for getting the lead role of the newest movie from a world-known director. "Ashley," Josh sighed. "Brendon would've put me in the movie anyways."

Ashley paused, "Yeah, but Pete didn't have to give you the lead role."

"But he did."

"Point taken."

Josh nodded and shivered, the dreary weather of London affecting him more than it should. "Sucks that Troye couldn't come with us."

Ashley shrugged, leading Josh onto a double-decker bus that would lead them to the filming site, "I understand his predicament. Whatever gets him more money is what he's going to go with. Staying in the states with his other clients gets him more money than travelling to London with one client."

Josh sat down next to Ashley as the bus started moving, "Didn't Brendon say he has a makeup artist for me?"

Ashley nodded, "I've met him myself once or twice. Brendon works with him whenever he films in London, says he's one of the best makeup artists he's worked with."

"Better than Troye?" Josh questioned skeptically.

Ashley nodded, a smile tugging at her lips at Josh's shocked reaction. "Troye was the best, though!"

Ashley clicked her tongue, "He was in the top three. Brendon would know, he works with the best."

"The best work with him."

"Same thing."

"Who's my co-star again?" Josh asked.

Ashley stiffened, "Debby Ryan. You'll be able to meet with everyone in a bit, calm down."

Today was when the two were going to the film site just to meet with everyone and make sure everyone could work with their standards.

Josh suddenly groaned, "If this new person is better than Troye, does that mean they're going to be a stuck up jerk?"

Ashley's head whipped towards Josh from her previous position looking out the window, "Listen, Josh. I love you, platonically, and I had a nice heated argument with Brendon to get this guy to work with you. He didn't want to do it after hearing you were world-known and-"

"Wait," Josh interrupted. "This guy wanted to work with me and then didn't want to after he found out I was world-known?"

"He said something to Brendon about 'Remember last time?'. At that point, Brendon was on his side."

"What happened last time?"

"Jesus, Josh. I'm not his therapist. You can ask him yourself," Ashley grumbled.

Josh had already taken note that his new makeup artist was a guy, which he didn't have a problem with. Josh decided to stop asking questions, and just listen to the soft pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the double-decker bus. "Thank you."

Ashley's head perked up. She smiled softly, "You're welcome, Josh."

Ashley was tough to deal with when she was being professional, but she was like family to Josh after his three years of working with her. The two sat in comfortable silence until the bus stopped, and Ashley stood up. Josh stood up as well, and the two exited the bus and headed towards a collection of buildings separated from the busy city of London by small gates.

The director, Brendon Urie, greeted them as soon as they entered the grounds, "Hey, Ashley! Josh!" Brendon held his arms out, and Josh and Ashley both yielded to a quick hug.

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