3- "You're a Blessing to Me."

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If anything confuses you, just comment on it and I'll explain ~Spooky Mars


Melanie and Tyler had watched Disney movies until at least midnight, and Tyler was much too lazy to check his phone to see the exact time. He wasn't tired yet, so he lowered the volume of the tv and gazed contently at the sleeping Melanie with Ruby snuggled into her side. Tyler really trusted Melanie with his life, and with the life of his family even though she had never met them.

Tyler remembered about three months into their friendship, when Melanie had wanted to meet Tyler's family. It was at that moment Tyler knew (He fucked up) that he had to come clean to Melanie, whether he liked it or not.

So, he made her a cup of tea and sat her down on his sofa, Ruby deciding to hop onto the couch as well. "Melanie," Tyler said slowly. "You can't meet my parents. Do you know why?"

Melanie's eyes widened and she looked suddenly sad, "Are they dead? Tyler I'm so sorry I-"

"No, they're not dead. I have to tell you something."

"What is it? Tyler, you can tell me anything. I'll take it to my grave if you want me too just tell me."

"I'm not in London because I was born here."

Melanie looked worried, yet relieved, "Is that it? Because anyone around here could tell. I was born in New York and I just moved here seven years ago and even I can tell."

"Melanie, I'm here because my therapist told me to."

That started the hour long story, "My whole life, I was an upbeat optimistic angel. Then, come eleventh grade, I started getting depressed and not being myself."

Melanie was suddenly on full alert, her attention solely on Tyler.

"This person inside my head. He was always there, Melanie. Always saying how worthless I was, how everyone only liked me because I was so innocent. He said they would turn on me, shred me to pieces if they could.

I stopped going to parties, to fundraisers, to pretty much any social things in general. I was only willing to go to church in hopes of the voice going away. After a year, the voice didn't go away, and now he had a name- Blurryface. That was what he told me to call him, anyways. So, Blurryface pretty much represented my insecurities and fears, all the negative things in my mind. Unlike in TV shows, there's no good voice and bad voice, there was just Blurryface. He could be helpful sometimes, telling me who to stay away from and what I shouldn't do. But then the 12th grade school year came and holy macaroni, as the tests came in, so did the insecurities."

Melanie's eyes were wide, and she was gripping the hem of her skirt. Tyler continued, "I was doing fine, just the same as 11th grade, until Blurryface told me to grab my razor. By then, I had sort of figured out when to trust Blurry, and when not to. By the way, yes, I know talking about Blurryface like he's a flesh and blood person makes me sound crazy, but I swear he was a real voice in my head. Anyways, I had decided not to get the razor and instead, take a shower. But does Blurryface stop? No, he's taunting me about how my thighs were too chubby or my arms had too much flab and not enough muscle. My feet were too wide, my eyes ruined my face, my teeth were still a bit crooked, my fingernails rough and uneven because I was always biting them 'like a girl' Blurry said.

Basically, Blurryface was a high school bully living in my head. Blurryface kept taunting and teasing, saying he would stop if I used the razor. So, in the middle of Senior year, I did it. I got the blade and I cut myself. That made things worse."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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